North Korea's 70th anniversary parade in Pyongyang held the 70th anniversary of the "victory" on Thursday (July 27). The highest leader Kim Jong -un was on the same stage with the invited China and the Russian delegation to read the grand ceremony side by side.The South Korean government believes that the victory of North Korea ’s victory on this time reflects the pattern of“ North Korea, China and Russia ”to combat the security cooperation between“ South Korea and the United States ”.

DPRK News Agency reported on Friday (28th) that Kim Jong -un's 70th anniversary parade at the 70th anniversary of the 70th anniversary of the 70th anniversary of the "victory festival" held at 8 pm on Thursday, and Li Hongzhong, the head of the Chinese delegation invited to attend,As well as Russian Defense Minister of Shogu on the same stage and read the grand ceremony side by side, the three talked from time to time.

On July 27th, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (second from right) and Russian Defense Minister Haiyu (third from right) and member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Li Hongzhong, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (right, 1st right) Cut the North Korean parade together.(Reuters)

However, Kim Jong -un did not give a speech this time, but delivered a speech by North Korean Defense Minister Jiang Shunnan.

In this regard, the Central Daily of South Korea believes that even if North Korea, China and Russia are very close, it is difficult for Kim Jong -un to emphasize the status of North Korea's nuclear national position in front of the legal nuclear -supported country and Russia delegation.Kim Jong -un may consider China and Russia, so he did not give a speech.

Experts believe that the current economic situation of North Korea is very difficult due to the influence of sanctions on North Korea and the interruption of North Korea.Kim Jong -un may not make political achievements, so he did not speak.

Several weapons appeared before and after military parade

Although North Korea did not show any new types of weapons at the parade, the two new types of drones debuted at the weapon exhibition the previous day were flying.Korean media pointed out that the new types of drones in North Korea are like the American MQ-9 "Death" and the RQ-4 "Global Eagle" drone.

In addition, in March this year, North Korea's first public development and testing nuclear dive attack boat (nuclear torpedo) "tsunami" also appeared.The range can cover the new-type solid-state fuel intercontinental ballistic missile "Mars-18" and "Mars-17", which can also be unveiled at the end of the parade.

The 21st Century Military Research Institute specializing in Liu Chengzhang pointed out that the meteorological forecast before the parade said Pyongyang would rain.In the case where the meteorological conditions are not suitable for using drones, North Korea forcibly testing the drone means that what you want to show off in this military parade is the combat effectiveness of the drone.

The Ministry of Unification of South Korea believes that the victory of this North Korea is mainly the exchange with the China -Russia delegation.North Korea seems to focus on sending a strong relationship with China and Russia.

The Ministry of Unification said that of the 10 public activities carried out from the 25th to 27th from the 25th to 27th, eight items were related to the China -Russia delegation.Kim Jong -un also seemed to be more willing to cooperate closely with Russia, because he and the Russian delegation met four times alone, and had only a brief interview with the Chinese delegation before watching the performance.

Liang Xu of the Eshan Policy Research Institute said that North Korea seems to be described as a military representative sent by Russian President Putin, giving the national guest -level high -level courtesy.The ancient visiting North Korea should be to test the possibility of obtaining weapons from North Korea.For Kim Jong -un, Shaygu is not an ordinary foreign guest, but a "big customers" who come to buy weapons. They must receive grand reception.