Former American intelligence officials said at Congress hearing that Washington has carried out unknown flight objects (UFO) plans for decades, collects crashed UFOs, and discovered "non -human creatures".

The Guardian reported that David Grusch told the House of Representatives Supervision Committee on Wednesday (July 26) that officials have found "non -human creatures" and tried to try toCarry out reverse engineering research on UFO.

Gruch's statement is by far, the US government's most formal and highest specifications discuss issues related to UFO.

Gruch has been responsible for analyzing the "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" in the US Department of Defense and continued to work until 2023.

In June this year, Gruch exposed the US official secretly hiding alien spacecraft; he reiterated part of his statement at a hearing on Wednesday.

Gruch told the committee: "I learned during the execution of official duties that the government was carrying out a decades of UAP crash recovery and reverse engineering plan, but I was refused to participate."

This hearing has aroused strong global attention. People have speculated that the United States is hiding evidence related to UFO technology and alien life, and also encourages the fermentation of various rumors and conspiracy theories.

Gruch said that because he publicly exposed confidential information related to UFO, he was "very cruel" revenge, "this caused harm to my career and individual (life safety)."

Tim Burchett, a co -in charge of the UFO survey, and Tennessee Republican member, said that the United States has technical evidence of "violating all our physical laws".Turn into charcoal blocks.