Japan on Friday (July 28) published the 2023 defense white paper, which expressed "serious concerns" for the joint operations of China and Russia in Japan, and predicts that North Korea's military provocations will be further strengthened.

The Kishida government passed three security documents through the national security strategy in December last year. This is the first national defense white paper after passing the strategy. It has a detailed explanation of those three security documents.The White Paper volume introduced a special introduction to China -Russia and North Korea's enhanced military capabilities, emphasizing that "the most severe and complex security guarantee environment after the war" was emphasized, and the self -defense system and invested about 43 trillion yen (about 409.3 billion new new in the next five years (about 40.93 billion yuanYuan) Defense expenses seek the understanding of the Japanese people.

The white paper pointed out that the military threats of China, Russia and North Korea are increasing, and the international community has entered a new era of crisis.The white paper condemns the joint operations of Chinese and Russian bombs and ships around Japan.

White Paper: Strengthening Chinese Military Threat

Japanese media generally pay attention to the description of Chinese military threats in the white paper.Nikkei News pointed out that the white paper claims that China's rapid strengthening of military forces is the "biggest strategic challenge" of international order. The wording has strengthened from last year's "strong concern".Last year, for China, the white paper wrote "strong concern"; this time it refers to this as "the biggest strategic challenge", highlighting that Japan's nerves to China are tighter than last year.

Japan Defense Minister Hamada Yuichi specifically introduced content about China at the Cabinet Conference on Friday. He pointed out, "For China's (military) operations, we write various possible situations in the white paper."

Daily News quotes the content of the white paper content that Beijing is accelerating the construction of the "World -Class Army" to prepare for the Taiwan Strait crisis and fight against the United States. It also states that China wants to build a army that can defeat the United States in the intelligent war.

"In 2022, China has 1,700 military planes around the Taiwan Strait. In August of the same year, China also used online attacks and drones. China is trying to improve its actual combat capabilities."

The White Paper also mentioned the gap between the sea, land and air forces in mainland China and Taiwan, and "the military balance quickly changed towards the direction of mainland China."

For North Korea, which launched missiles for many times, the Japanese defense white paper also pointed out that from 2013 to 2022, the number of North Korean ballistic missile launches increased by 8.4 times.In terms of missile technology, in addition to the range of intercontinental ballistic missiles in the United States, North Korea is also pursuing the ability to launch missiles from moving tools such as trains and submarines.The white paper believes that North Korea's composition is more urgent than before.