From Thursday (June 1), the United States stopped providing some new cutting strategic weapon treaty data to Russia, including the position of American missiles and launchers to respond to the measure of Moscow's "continuous violation" agreement.

Reuters reports that according to a explanation issued by the official website of the US State Department, the United States will also stop providing remote test information (Telemetry) about US intercontinental missiles and submarine ballistic missile launches.

Remote test technology refers to the test of the parameters of the object separated by a certain distance and transmit the measured results to the technology of the receiving place.

Russia announced in August 2022 that it temporarily withdrawn from the New Start of the New Start, and announced the suspension of the Treaty in February 2023.Later, the United States, as a response to the suspension of the Treaty in Russia, decided to stop some data on exchanging nuclear weapons with Russia.

Russian President Putin has not officially allowed Russia to withdraw from a new cut strategic weapon treaty.

The new cutting strategic weapon treaty was signed by Russia and the United States in 2010, and it took effect on February 5, 2011, with a valid period of 10 years.On February 3, 2021, Russia and the United States exchanged diplomatic photos to complete the relevant internal procedures that extended the new strategic weapon treaty validity agreement.The validity period of the treaty was subsequently extended to February 5, 2026.After the Russian -American and Central China -China Guidance Treaty failed in 2019, this article became the only military -controlled treaty between the two countries.