(Bloomberg, Washington) Bloomberg quoted sources as a report that Italy had stated to the United States that it intends to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" initiative to withdraw from China by the end of this year.

According to the people present, the Italian Prime Minister Meloni told the US House Speaker McCarthy at a talks held in Rome last week that although Italy did not make a final decision, her government supported to withdraw from the Belt and Road.

Italy signed an agreement when Conte as Prime Minister in 2019, becoming the only member of the Seventh National Group (G7) who joined the Belt and Road.Unless Rome take the initiative to withdraw, the agreement will be automatically renewed in 2024.

Like many other European countries, Italy is sandwiched between China and the United States, and is trying to balance trade and investment with China, and against the so -called Chinese economic coercion.

It is reported that the United States has been lobbying in Italy to withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative, but because of concerns about being retaliated with China's economic revenge, Melony's diplomatic consultant is still discussing the details and time points of this potential decision.It is reported that Italy is unlikely to make any announcements before the Hiroshima G7 Summit next week.

Melonney said on Wednesday (May 10) that Italy has not decided to withdraw from the Belt and Road, and is evaluating the relevant options."We haven't made a decision yet, this debate is still public."

However, Meloni also pointed out that he was opposed to the addition of Italy to join the Belt and Road.During her campaign last year, she publicly criticized this as a "big mistake".

According to Italian officials, the Financial Times reported that the Melony government was seeking to withdraw their plans to avoid irritating Beijing or recruiting revenge.

Stefano Stefanini, a former representative of Italy, said: "Considering the status quo of Sino -US relations, we can't continue to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative while being a United States allies.The smallest exit plan. "