(Washington / Moscow Comprehensive) The United States said on Tuesday (March 21) that if China wants to play a constructive role in Ukraine, Russia should be urged to stop the invasion of Ukraine.The White House also shows that China does not think that China can just be the mediation of the Russian -Ukraine conflict.This is by far the most direct criticism of the United States' efforts to end the Russia -Ukraine War.

Chinese official on Tuesday held a formal talks with Russian President Putin in the Kremlin Palace. In the joint statement, the two sides emphasized that the Ukrainian crisis must be resolved through peace talks.However, the National Security Council spokesman Kobe said at the White House press conference that day that from the Chinese official and Putin's speech, the United States does not think that the Ukrainian war can end soon.

Kobe said that China's official position was unfair on the issue of the Russian and Ukraine War.He said: "They did not condemn Russia to invade Ukraine, and did not stop buying Russian oil and energy. Chinese official chairman decided to fly to Moscow all the way, but did not talk to Ukraine President Zeyski, and did not visit Ukraine."

Kobe said that China has continued to repeat the information advocated by Russia, that is, the United States and other Western countries should be responsible for the war."If China wants to play a constructive role in this conflict, it should be urged to withdraw troops from Ukraine and Ukraine sovereignty. They should urge Putin to stop bombing cities, hospitals and schools, stop war crimes and atrocities, and end this war today."

In response to the official announcement of Putin and China, the relationship between the two countries has entered a new era. Cerbie believes that China and Russia are not so much an alliance, which is better to say that it is a "right marriage", and it is said that China and Russia are trying to change the international order based on rules -based international order.Essence

There are cooperation space beauty in some fields, and hope to communicate with China

He reiterated that the United States hopes to communicate with China and pointed out that there is room for cooperation between China and the United States in some fields.

Cerbin also said that there was no sign that China was preparing or had provided military assistance to Russia."We think that China has not ruled out so, but it has not moved in this direction."

China and Russia issued a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership in the new era on Tuesday, which mentioned that Russia actively evaluated China ’s objective and fair position on the Ukraine issue.; China expresses appreciation for Russia's reiteration to restart peace talks as soon as possible.

The two parties pointed out that solving the Ukraine crisis must respect the reasonable and safe concerns of various countries and prevent the formation of camp confrontation, and emphasize that the responsible dialogue is the best way to solve the problem steadily. The international community should support relevant constructive efforts.

Putin said after the meeting that the peace plan proposed by Beijing can be used as a basis for peaceful resolution of Ukraine.

He said: "We believe that there are many parts of the peace plan proposed by China to be consistent with Russia. Once the West and Kiev are prepared, this can be the basis for reaching a peace agreement.This will. "

Ukrainian President Zelei Siki said on Tuesday that China has invited China to discuss the peace plan proposed by Ukraine, but did not receive a reply."We suggest that China becomes a partner to implement a peace plan. We pass the plan through all channels. We invite you to join the conversation and we are waiting for a reply."

He added that Ukraine received some signals released by China, but there was no specific response.

The 12 -point statement issued by China on February 24 called on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, resumed the direct dialogue between Moscow and Kiev, to avoid further upgrading the situation, etc., but did not explain how to end this war, nor did it not be there, noUrges Russia to withdraw troops.The 10 -point peace plan proposed by Ukraine last year clearly required Russia to withdraw troops and stop hostile operations and return Ukraine's sovereignty.U.S. President Biden had previously criticized that China's peace plan is only beneficial to Russia.