(Morning News) US Secretary of State Brosky said that China is carefully observing the response of the United States and the world to the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, but has not yet passed the boundaries of providing fatal assistance to Russia.

Reuters reported that Brinken said on Wednesday (March 22) to testify to the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee that if Russia is allowed to attack neighboring countries without punishment, this will "open Pandora's Pandora's that possible invaders will" open Pandora's."Box", a "conflict world" came here.

Brintken said that the interests of Ukraine far exceeded Ukraine itself and had a profound impact on Asia; he pointed out that Japan and South Korea have always been the main supporters of Ukraine in Russia and Ukraine.

Brinken also said that he did not think that China has been providing fatal aid to Russia."Just when we speak today, we have not seen them cross that line." This is the first four of his four times he will testify to the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee this week.

Chinese official and Russian President Pukin "It is commensurate and discusses China's suggestions on solving the Ukraine conflict."Their (China -Russia) marriage is an expedient measure, I am not sure if this is a belief. Russia is a small partner in this relationship."

Brinken said that China ’s political and material support for Russia violates the interests of the United States.He told the legislators that the US State Department and the US International Development Agency (USAID) needed all the budget requirements of President Biden to face the threat brought by Russia and China, an increase of 11%over last year."The world after the Cold War has ended, and a fierce competition is currently undergoing a fierce competition to determine how to go next."

Brinken urges each member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to abide by the arrest warrant issued to Putin.The United States is not a parties to the International Criminal Court.