Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Nada promised to support Ukraine by nearly 500 million US dollars (about S $ 670 million), and called on Russia to withdraw unconditionally.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms (G7) have successively visited Ukraine. Kishida is the last leader who visited Ukraine.On Monday (March 20), he quietly flew from India to Poland, and transferred to a train that night to enter Ukraine.

On Tuesday, Kishida and Ukraine President Zelezki had a joint statement after the two, and the two later issued a joint statement to strongly condemn Russia's aggression.The statement pointed out that "that's an acting and shaking international order. Not only did it have an impact on Europe and the Atlantic Ocean, it also threatened the safety, peace and stability in the Indo -Pacific region."

Kishida shows that "as the chairman of the G7 round, I once again determined to protect the international order and will be prepared to send a clear information at the summit."

The heads of the two countries agreed to start coordination towards the bilateral intelligence protection agreement that can exchange secret intelligence.

Japan Daily News reported that other member states of G7 have successively provided weapons such as tanks, missiles in Ukraine. Japan is limited by the principles of banning weapons from exports, and can only provide gifts in humanitarian names.Previously, Japan had provided Ukraine with a $ 7.1 billion humanitarian assistance.

On Tuesday, Kishida promised to donate to Ukraine again. "Japan will seamlessly support Ukraine to go peacefully in a way in Japan.It will also provide US $ 470 million to assist Ukraine Energy Department. "

Zelei Sky Yingshita invited May to participate in the Video in May to participate in the Seven Kingdoms Summit

Zelei Sky Avoid Kishida visited, saying that "Kishida is the defender of international order and a long -term friend of Ukraine."He has been invited by Kanada to connect with the video to participate in the Seven Kingdoms Summit held in Hiroshima in May.

Japanese media believes that Chinese official visit to Russia has promoted Kishida's sudden visit to Ukraine this time, but Japan officially denied it.

Daily News believes that Kishida's strong statement condemned Russia, in fact, it is to contain China's coercion in the East China Sea.

His high -profile announcement of the Ukrainian war is an important issue for the G7 summit. It is to make people realize that "the security issues in Europe and Indo -Pacific regions are closely related."

Nikkei News believes that the Japanese side is worried that China's successful mediation of the Ukrainian war will weaken Japan's sense of presence.

Asahi Shimbun quoted the President of the Liberal Democratic Party's Campaign Committee, Moriyama Feng reported that Kishida also secretly did the work of mediation of the Ukrainian war."I think the Japanese Prime Minister visited Ukraine, the most important thing is to end this war as soon as possible."

Japan will hold local elections next month. Analysts point out that Kishida may use Ukraine to promote his political achievements in the foreign field.