Japan Hiroshima will hold seven major industrial countries (G7) summits from May 19th to 21st.Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, who was visiting India on Monday (March 20), announced that he invited India to participate in the rotating chairman of the country this year.Indian Prime Minister Modi has promised to attend.

Yomiuri News reported that India is the rotating chairman of the G20 summit this year. Kishida exchanged opinions with Modi's issues such as international finance, food security, and energy, and finalized the successful cooperation between the two countries to achieve successful cooperation for the G7 and G20.

Japan intends to expand the meeting to invite non -G7 countries to participate in the discussion, and India is included in the first participating country.Kishida said to the media after the meeting: "The Hiroshima Summit will discuss the problems faced by the international community. I hope to be held from two perspectives. One is to discuss and maintain the international order based on the rule of law.The relationship. "

In January this year, India held the "Voice of the Global Southern" to speak for the development of economies in Asia, Africa and South America.The analysis pointed out that India intends to be the leader of the southern countries in the world. Modi was invited to attend the Hiroshima Summit this time and would play a certain role in speaking to advanced countries in India.

As for Japan, the analysis believes that Japan is the only Asian country of the Seven Kingdoms Summit. This time, as a rotating chairman, Kishida intends to add Asian faces at the meeting, which is beneficial to the promotion of the "Indo -Pacific Free Strategy".

Kishida revealed earlier that it will spend 2 billion US dollars in the next three years to assist India -Pacific countries with equipment and other equipment and provide personnel training to improve the "maritime law enforcement capabilities" of these countries.

Japanese media reports that non -G7 countries who have been invited to attend also include South Korean President Yin Xiyue, Brazilian President Lula and Indonesian President Zoko.

Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng revealed in the political discussion program of the Asahi Satellite TV on the 18th that the Hiroshima Summit intends to include Ukraine's situation and shaken international order into the topic.To this end, Japan is also coordinating the invitation of Ukraine President Zeelianzki to attend the summit.

Hiroshima was the victim of the atomic bomb of World War II and the hometown of Kishida.Japanese public opinion can play the role of "nuclear -free" society in disputes and crises in disputes and crises.

The five hundred flags of the former National Defense University President of the National Defense University really said in the daily news article: "As a nuclear victim, even if no strong country agrees to abandon nuclear weapons, Japan must adhere to its nuclear proposition."