Professor Chen Zhengquan, a special professor at Guangyun University, said that Korean and Japanese diplomacy is currently in the situation that "Korean side first pour water into the cup and wait for the Japanese to fill the water."If Japan insists on "no need to apologize" or "no strong conquest", Yin Xiyue's diplomacy can only end.

South Korea's President's Office highly evaluated the results of the Korean -Japan summit talks, but it was criticized for the wild party and civil society groups for a long time, saying that it was "the permanent failure of diplomatic."Public opinion believes that South Korean President Yin Xiyue is opposed to domestic public opinion and makes concessions on the "World War II Labor Compensation Case". How to resolve negative public opinion in the future will be a major test for him.

South Korea ’s President’ s Office Sunday (March 19) said the results of the South Korean and Japan summit talks that the so -called diplomacy is to make the other party open up, thereby changing the territory of bilateral or multilateral relations.From this perspective, the President's visit to Japan has achieved great success and fruitful diplomatic results.If the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Yoshio responds positively, the Korean Peninsula and the international situation are expected to usher in great changes.

In response to the negative evaluation of South Korean public opinion on talks with South Korea and Japan, the South Korean President's Office said that the government respects the criticism of government policies in the opposition party, but does not grasp the overall situation of historical veins and international order, focusing on some fine branches' issues to engage in politicsIt will make people feel worried.

Han and Japan held a head talks after 12 years, allowing the Korean -Japanese relations that were damaged by historical problems such as labor to "return to normal".In addition, South Korea and Japan have resumed military intelligence sharing, South Korea and Japan jointly responded to the North Korean nuclear crisis, and the restrictions on the export restrictions on the core materials of South Korean semiconductor was also the result of this talk.

However, in response to the issue of forced labor, not only did Kishida Wenxiong not apologize, but in the "Future Youth Fund" promoted by the Korean and Japan economic groups, the defendants of Japanese companies Mitsubishi and Japanese iron -making have not participated.

tens of thousands of Korean people protested to say that the talks of the levy for the sale of the talks

For this reason, South Korea's "third -party compensation" plan proposed by Yin Xiyue unilaterally proposed by Yin Xiyue in the wild party and folk groups.

Tens of thousands of Korean people participated in the protest rally in central Seoul on Saturday (18th). They shouted "condemn the solution to humiliation! This Korean and Japan summit talks were held by the human rights of the victims of labor victims.Talks! "Wait slogan.

In this regard, the Presidential Office said that most of the victims of labor are old, and there are no few left. If there is no decisive decision in the early days of the administration, there is no chance.

Yin Xiyue said in a speech at Qingying Yiluo University in Tokyo on the 17th: "We must have the courage to make a better future in order to make good friends and create a better future. I will also get courage."

Yin Xiyue's phrase was interpreted by public opinion as "the political pressure of responsible public opinion. For the future, please look at the problem in the long run."

South Korea's President's Office explained that Yin Xiyue knows that public opinion will deteriorate and still make difficult decisions.In the future, it will continue to explain to the public's sincerity, the historical context of the relationship between South Korea and Japan, and the results of this visit to Japan.

Chen Zhengquan, a professor at Guangyun University, said that the current Korean -Japan diplomacy is in the situation that "Korean side first pour water into the cup and wait for the Japanese side to fill the water."Yin Xiyue has faced the Japanese government, and Japan should also respond to this.If you insist on the original "don't need to apologize" or "no strong conquest", Yin Xiyue's Japanese diplomacy can only end up.