A spokesman for the Kremlin Palace, Peskov, said that ICC issued a "outrageous and unacceptable" arrest order to Putin.Ukrainian President Zelegiski pointed out that ICC's decision to arrest the arrest of Putin is of historical significance.

(Moscow / Washington Composite Electric) Russia strongly condemned the Hague International Criminal Court (ICC) on the grounds of war, and issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Putin.However, Western countries expressed their appreciation that Putin had committed the crime of war and must be punished.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov reported on Friday (March 17) that ICC issued an arrest order to Putin "outrageous and unacceptable."

He said that like many countries, Russia does not recognize ICC's judicial jurisdiction. "Therefore, from a legal perspective, any such decision is invalid for Russia."

Ukrainian President Zelei pointed out that ICC's decision to issue a arrest warrant in Putin is of historical significance.He delivered a video speech on Friday night saying: "This is a historic decision, which will make historic investigations."

Zelei condemn Putin's illegal transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia, and the actual number may be far more than 16,000.He said: "Without the consent of the leader of the terrorist country (Russia), it is impossible to have such a criminal act."

Researchers in Yale University reported last month that Russia held more than 6,000 Ukrainian children at least 43 and other facilities.

ICC also arrested the Russian Children's Rights Specialist Belova on Friday on Friday.The Russian News Agency (RIA) reported that Beloova insisted that Russia brought these children away from the theater to protect their lives.

U.S. President Biden said on Friday that Putin committed the crime of war, and the decision to issue the arrest warrant of ICC was right.Biden told reporters: "He obviously committed war ... I think (the arrest warrant) is justified."

The US State Department spokesman said on the same day that Russia had "no doubt" of committing war crime in Ukraine and stating that Washington supported the liability for the sin of the war.The spokesman also said: "This is the decision made by the ICC prosecutor based on the facts."

France, the United Kingdom, Poland, and Canada have also supported ICC's approach.

The EU ’s senior representative of Foreign and Security Policy Burrelli said on Friday that this is the beginning of Russia's responsibility for its crimes and atrocities in Ukraine."This is an important decision that is related to the international justice and defending the people of Ukraine."

ICC prosecuted and tried on individuals who had criminals of extinction, endangering human crimes, crimes of war, and aggression.It issued an arrest warranty to Putin based on Roma Rome.

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, ICC has sent a large investigation delegation from 42 people to Ukraine to investigate.With the assistance of U.S. and other countries, Ukraine has collected evidence of war crimes since the beginning of the war. By early December last year, more than 50,000 incidents have been filed for investigation.

ICC issued an arrest warrant. From now on the 123 parties in the world, as long as Putin appears in the country, he must arrest him.But whether these parties will be executed are still a question.

Legal expert Rosenberg said that the arrest order is a "dramatic move". As long as Putin does not leave Russia or does not go to other parties with ICC plans, he will not be arrested.

Experts: Alert teamless team must rely on countries to assist ICC to effectively execute the arrest warrant

He also said that ICC did not have his own police forces, unable to effectively execute the arrest warrant, and must rely on the cooperation and assistance of various countries.

So far, Russia, China, and even the United States and Ukraine have not been parties, which means that Putin's arrest is almost equal to zero.

However, some analysts believe that ICC issues a warning to Putin to warn the Russian military and the senior management, that is, they may be prosecuted now or in the future, and further restrict them to go abroad, including participating in international conferences.

In addition, the future leaders of the Cremlin may choose to send Putin to ICC for trial for political considerations, which is not as precedent internationally.

ICC's former dean, Ou Suki, said that the arrest order is indeed very important, indicating that no one can override above international law.He even said that every important person who was stared at by ICC would eventually face justice trials, and Putin had no reason to be able to get away.Osuki served as Dean of ICC from 2018 to 2021.

Human Rights Watch, deputy director of the HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH, said that the ICC's arrest order took a key step, to let the offender understand that they would be punished.