The United States has two completely tough and sometimes tough and gentle attitudes in the recent appearance of China.Scholars pointed out that this two -sided nature of US foreign policy has been long for a long time. It is not only a manifestation of the existence of multi -meta sounds in democratic countries, but also a kind of diplomatic means to increase carrots to increase carrots.In fact, the United States has also adopted a foreign strategy of pressure and showing good at the same time.

The United States recently pointed out that China may provide weapons to Russia, and has a tough and ease attitude.On February 26, Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in an interview with a television station that the United States was convinced that China was considering providing lethal weapons to Russia for Ukraine War.

After the United States, the United States continued to increase pressure and warned Beijing not to "cross the red line."

Secretary of State Brills, during the Munich Security Conference in Germany, met with Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, stated that once China provides lethal weapons to Russia, Washington will take a series of sanctions on China.The United States appears to be very strong in this subject.

By the beginning of March, the attitude of the United States seemed to ease.Laude, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said that it has not recorded signs of providing lethal weapons to Russia, but "we are also convinced that China has not completely ruled out this option."

President Biden is also cautious about this topic.He said: "I expect China to not take major measures to provide weapons and equipment to Russia."

Professor Wang Jiangyu, a professor at the School of Law School of Hong Kong University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that it is normal for the US foreign policy to have two attitudes or more attitudes.There will be different voices in all aspects.

"The political subject of the United States has the White House and Congress, which is often inconsistent with many issues. Congress has different members and different views. The White House and the State Council sometimes have different voices.Different sounds, even different generals in the army will have different voices. "

To achieve foreign policy goals to sing red face and sing white face is necessary means

During the outside world, there is always a red face and a white face, which is a necessary means to achieve the goal of foreign policy.

Wang Jiangyu said: "American policy makers also use the characteristics of this diverse, multi -subject to confuse their opponents, or convey a kind of information, a warning, or to bargain, or to make a precedent."

In the category of international relations, this strategy of "singing red face and singing white face" is also called "carrot increase".Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyser,The use of the first place depends on the worldview of the decision makers and the time background of the decision -making.

"No matter how to use these tools in any way, the ultimate goals and challenges are the same, that is, how to make the other party change the policy of a certain problem to meet their expectations."

The United States also often adopts the strategy of increasing carrots to other countries.When the former President Barack Obama was in charge, he provided Iran with economic rewards in exchange for Tehran to terminate the nuclear plan. At the same time, Washington would impose severe sanctions if he did not accept it.

After Trump entered the White House, on the one hand, he set off a scolding battle with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un, and even intimidated with nuclear weapons. On the other hand, he arranged a face -to -face meeting with Kim Jong -un to allow Kim Jong -un to get more governing legitimacy.

China also increases the use of carrots to the United States.In April 2018, after the United States threatened to implement a punitive tariff on China's $ 150 billion (about S $ 202.5 billion), Beijing imposed anti -dumping tax on the US sorghum and promised to open the Chinese automobile market to foreign car manufacturers.

However, when dealing with the country and the country, in addition to listening to their words, we must also observe it.In China, no matter what the United States says, China has determined that the United States has only one voice to China -for China.

China Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on the "two sessions" press conference on March 7th that Sino -US relations said that the so -called "pretending guardrails" and "not conflicting" in the United States would actuallyIf you want to fight back, you can't fight back.

Wang Jiangyu believes that the Chinese think that the United States has adopted a attitude of you to death in China, so China does not believe in the United States.The mutual trust between China and the United States "has been reduced to a very ice level, and the practice of the two sounds has not played a role in China."