(Washington Composite Electric) The US Department of Defense on Monday (March 13) announced the 2024 fiscal national defense budget of US $ 842 billion (about S $ 1.1 trillion), which is the largest defense demand in decades to deal with Chinathreaten.The Deputy Minister of Defense Hicks said that the budget represents the serious view of the United States and its competitive relationship with China, and will be committed to observing the possible aggression operations of China in the future.

Hicks held a press conference in the Pentagon, saying that the goal of this budget is to ensure that China "will consider the risk of aggression every day and concludes the conclusion of 'not time today'."

She pointed out that the goal of the United States is to deteriorate, and competition does not mean conflict, but she will still be committed to ensuring that if they must fight, the U.S. military has enough fighting capabilities to win.

She said that the five -corner building is often used to measure the standard of success. It is to ensure that Chinese leaders get up every day and evaluate the risk of aggression.And from now to 2027, 2035, 2049, and even every day, I think so. "

She also ordered many challenges such as Russia, North Korea, Iran, and Global Terrorism.

The war in Russia's invasion of Ukraine was extended, the ammunition consumption was amazing, and increasing the stock of combat reserve became a key goal in the United States.Hicks said that the new year is listed in the budget of $ 30.6 billion, with an annual growth rate of 12%. It will be used to expand production capacity. The purchase of the largest number of ammunition equipment that can effectively scare in the Indo -Pacific region and repel aggression when necessary, such as warAx patrol and maritime attack missile.

In order to be more effective in Indo -Pacific and maintain the regional freeness, Hicks said that the Ministry of National Defense was released for $ 9.1 billion for the Pacific Ocean's Initiative, which is also the highest in history.US Secretary of Defense Austin made a statement saying that China has quickly implemented military modernization. The new year's budget allows the United States to make critical investment in the United States and strengthen the advantages of the US military.