(Tehran Composite Electric) After several days of talks in Beijing, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to re -establish diplomatic relations and open up their embassies.

After several days of negotiations, Iran and Saudi Arabia signed a joint statement on Friday (March 10). The two sides agreed to restore diplomatic relations and re -open the embassy in each other within two months.

The joint statement stated that the two countries agreed to respect national sovereignty and do not interfere with the other's internal affairs; the two parties agreed that the two countries' foreign ministers would meet to prepare for the exchange ambassador and discuss the way to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

In early January 2016, after the Saudi Arabia's Saudi Smart officials Nanoil, Iran's highest leader of Hamenei announced a "sacred revenge" on Saudi Arabia. The angry Iranian demonstrator attacked the Saudi Embassy in Iran.Since then, Saudi Arabia has cut off diplomatic relations with Iran.

On Friday, Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that the dialogue between Iran and Saudi Arabia achieved important results in Beijing. "This is the victory of the dialogue and the victory of peace.Clear signal. "

It is reported that Shamhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, arrived in Beijing on Monday and "densely negotiated with Saudi Arabia in China to eventually solve the problem between Tehran and Riyadh."

Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency reported that Shamhani said: "Eliminate misunderstandings, and look forward to the future of Tehran's relationship with Riyadh, it will definitely promote the security of the Middle East and increase cooperation between the Persian Gulf countries."

In the Middle East, Iran and Saudi Arabia are opposed to some issues. Therefore, the improvement of relations between the two countries will affect the political and security situation of the entire Middle East.

The joint statement also said that Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to start a security cooperation agreement signed on April 17, 2001, as well as the economy, trade, investment, technology, science, culture, sports and youth signed on May 27, 1998, 1998,Field Cooperation Agreement.

Experts: Agreement can create a better security situation in the area

Peninsula TV and Bloomberg analyzed that the re -establishment of diplomatic relations in Iran and Saudi Arabia will alleviate the long -term tension between the two Persian Gulf's "geopolitical opponents".

Experts from the Peninsula TV Station believes, "When there are differences between these two countries, the situation in the Middle East will deteriorate ... ... With this agreement, we may start to see the two countries make compromises. This agreement can be in this agreement.Create a better security situation in the area. "

It is reported that in recent months, the two countries have been negotiating.Last year, representatives of Iran and Saudi Arabia held several rounds of talks in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.Some participants hope to reach an agreement before the Muslim fasting moon starts in late March.