Nikkei Asia reported that this concept is to expand individual international supply chain arrangements such as the United States, Japan or the United States and Europe to cover all G7 member states;Rare soil and other commodities that are increasingly important for economic security are in response to the risks of the supply chain in response to the Taiwan Strait crisis or the Russian and Ukraine war.

(Tokyo Composite Electric) Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) leader will be issued a joint statement to find an important strategic material supply chain between member countries when he held a summit in Hiroshima, Japan in May this year.

Asian reports, this concept is to expand the individual international supply chain arrangements such as the United States, Japan or the United States, and Europe to cover all G7 member states;The supply of goods is to continue to risk the supply chain in response to the Taiwan Strait crisis or the Russian and Ukraine War.

It is reported that the G7 member states have drafted the Hiroshima Summit joint documents this month.The host Japan is studying the establishment of a supply network mechanism within the G7, specifying some essential products for economic activities, and setting up materials and inventory networks for them.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida has set economic security as one of the main agenda of the summit.This is also the first time that the G7 summit has the theme of economic security.

Last year's German summit, the G7 mentioned "economic security" in a joint statement for the first time.However, regarding the establishment of a supply network, the statement only evaluates the efforts of individual countries and economic cooperation and development organizations (OECD).

Kishida decided to list economic security as the agenda of this year's summit, and it is also to pull the relationship with Germany, which is closely related to China's economic connection with China and the United States.This is considered a necessary measure to prevent goods from flowing into China through Europe.

Prevent the Taiwan Strait crisis supply interruption, the crisis network to get the chip

chip (also known as chip) is an important part of production of cars and home appliances.The production capacity of chip manufacturing in Taiwan accounted for more than 20%of the world, ranking first in the world.In terms of high -end chips, Taiwan accounts for 90%of global capacity.Since the supply may be interrupted due to the Taiwan Strait crisis, the goal of the G7 is to establish a network that can obtain a certain number of chips during the crisis period.

Japan and the United States plan to start researching the next -generation semiconductor for large -scale production for quantum computers and other applications, and hope that Europe can also participate.

China has the largest rare earth reserves.The magnetic and other components of the new generation of cars and other cutting -edge products must be used.

Unless it can get rid of the dependence on rare earth, Beijing's ability to negotiate with its resources as the backing will not be weakened.

This dependence on China's rare earth is the focus of attention in 2010.

At that time, the patrol boats of the Japanese Maritime Security Agency and the Chinese fishing vessels collided near the seas of the Diaoyu Islands (known as the Diaoyu Islands) in Jian Ge, Japan. China immediately took measures to restrict the rare soil exporting to Japan.

It is expected that G7 will consider cooperation with southern hemisphere countries with mineral resources such as Africa and South America.

Some products in the medical field are mostly made in China, so the G7 supply chain plan may also cover drugs and biotechnology products.