(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously voted to pass the bill, requiring information about the origin of crown diseases.Since the Senate has approved the motion last week, it will be sent to the White House for the signing of the US President Biden.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed 0 votes to 0 votes on Friday (March 10) and passed the Crown Diseases.

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and the Republican member of the Ohio said, "The American public should get the answer on all aspects of crown diseases."Results related to laboratory events ".

Holy, a Senmorian Senator of the Missouri, urged Biden to sign the bill into law.He issued a statement saying: "Americans should know the truth."

Once the proposal is signed into law, the National Intelligence Agency must decrypt the "any information about the potential relationship between all and all about the potential relationship between the Chinese Wuhan Virus Research Institute and the origin of crown disease" within 90 days.This includes information about the laboratory research and other activities and whether researchers are sick.

The crown disease epidemic was first set out in Wuhan, China in 2019. As of now, the crown disease has taken nearly 7 million people around the world, of which the United States has diagnosed more than 1 million deaths.

American health officials and intelligence agencies have different views on the source of crown disease.The U.S. Department of Energy said last month that the conclusion obtained based on new information was that the possibility of accidental leakage from the Chinese laboratory was the most likely.This assessment coincides with the US Federal Investigation Agency.

The former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ridfield, also supports the above arguments during the Senate's certificate on Wednesday.The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Health, believed that coronary virus was transmitted to humans from infected animals.

The US National Intelligence Director Hains said: "Basically, intelligence agencies generally believe that the epidemic is not caused by the epidemic or genetic engineering.