Said National Intelligence Director, said: "China will be committed to reunification, and China clearly shows that the unity is bound to be.Through military means, China is indeed prepared for this possible. "

(Washington Composite Electric) The American intelligence community evaluation, China does not want to fight.On the issue of Taiwan, China is more willing to achieve unity through peace instead of force.

U.S. National Intelligence Director Hanes on Thursday (March 9) attended the House Intelligence Commission on the Subsidiary of the House Intelligence Committee on the Global Threat hearing.Through peaceful means, not to achieve unity.

However, she also pointed out that China will be committed to reunification, and China clearly shows that unity is imperative.If China believes that peace reunification is not an option, it may really try to achieve through military means, and China is indeed preparing for this possible.

Director of the CIA: It will not underestimate China's determination to achieve unity of cross -strait

Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), also said at the hearing that there is no evidence that China has made a decision to invade Taiwan, but he "will never underestimate the ambitions of China's current leadership in this regard.Or they realize the unity of cross -strait unification. "

Bernus pointed out that the United States and allies provide support for Ukraine during the Russia and Ukraine War, allowing Chinese officials to "calm down".He believes that Chinese officials have clearly understood to a certain extent that the West can maintain unity and bear short -term economic costs to make Russia suffer a larger and longer economic loss.

Berns said that this is the official China official ending policy, trying to restore economic growth and integrate into the global economic process that must be weighing, which also affects whether China provides a deadly military arms to Russia.

Chinese officials have recently speeches during the discussion of the Chinese CPPCC meeting in the industrial and commercial enterprise community. It is rare to directly criticize the United States and accuse Western countries led by the United States.Bring "unprecedented severe challenge."

Haynes mentioned in the testimony that this is the most open and direct criticism so far, which may reflect the rise in Beijing and China relations with US -China relations, as wellThe concerns expanded and blamed these problems in the United States.

Nevertheless, Hayins pointed out that Beijing still believes that preventing tensions from rising the situation and maintaining a stable relationship with the United States, which is in line with China's maximum interests.

American councilors and some military officials believe that China is preparing to attack Taiwan, as early as 2027.The testimony of Berns and Heines contrary to their views.

When asked if the United States should abandon Taiwan's "strategic ambiguity" position, Haynes quoted President Biden President Biden that the United States would help Taiwan to resist attacks from mainland China."I think the Chinese side knows what our position is according to the president's remarks."

As for the economic impact of the Taiwan Strait conflict, Hayins pointed out that any conflict may have a huge economic impact. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce and other departments have studied this, especially the impact on the interruption of semiconductor production.Studies have shown that if Taiwan's semiconductor production is interrupted, the global economy will be greatly impacted because the chips produced in Taiwan exist in almost all types of electronic equipment worldwide.