(Washington Composite Electric) The United States welcomes Iran and Saudi Arabia's restoration of diplomatic relations, but it expresses doubts about whether Iran will fulfill its commitments.At the same time, China has contributed to the reconciliation of the two major enemies in the Middle East and has been interpreted by all parties to show its regional influence.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said on Friday (March 10) that the United States saw that Iran and Saudi Arabia resumed, but still retained."Let's wait and see if Iran will fulfill the agreement. This is not a regime that is usually fulfilled."

He said that if Issha's improvement of relationships can bring peace to Yemen, the United States is welcome."We want to see the end of the civil war in Yemen, and hope that their agreement will help achieve this result."

Yemen broke out in 2014, and behind the war, the two sides received support from Iran and Saudi Arabia, respectively, so they were regarded as the agent wars of the two major countries in the Middle East.

China made a mediation for the American ally Saudi Arabia and the enemy Iran and played an unusual role.In this regard, Kobe is unwilling to positively evaluate the role of China, and it is said that Iran has reached the negotiating table because of the pressure at home and abroad."We naturally continue to pay attention to China for their own self -interest, to strive for influence and foothold around the world."

After Iran and Saudi officials held a four -day talks in Beijing, they signed a joint statement on Friday and agreed to re -establish diplomatic relations and open embassies.

China has promoted Esha's long -term tension this time, which has attracted great attention internationally.Since Iran and Saudi Arabia are a major Middle East, the improvement of the relationship between the two countries is conducive to alleviating the political and security situation of the entire Middle East.

The United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah said that this is an important step towards the Middle East "moving towards stability and prosperity."

Some analysis believes that the most important thing in Iran and Saudi Arabia is not Esha, but China, but China, which has a impact on the long -term influence of the United States in the Middle East.

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Former U.S. government, Feltman, researcher of the Brookman of the Brookos Society in Washington Think Tank, said: "This can be interpreted -may be accurate that it is a slap in the Bayeng government, and it is also the rise of China.An example. "

Forton, a senior researcher at the Atlantic Council, believes that China is ready to play a greater role in the Middle East.

"This indicates that China’ s confidence in this area may be increasing, and it may think that it is enough to challenge the advantage of the United States in the Middle East. In any case, this seems to be a diplomatic victory in China. "

The Assistant Secretary of State of the Obama administration, Russell, also said that China has led to diplomatic agreements in a dispute that it does not involve. This is unusual and may have a "significant impact" on Washington.

"The question is, will this be a model for the development of the situation? Will it be () when China officially visited Moscow, the prelude to mediation for Russia and Ukraine?"

Is Issa repaired whether Iran's development of nuclear weapons is another great concern.In July 2015, Iran, and the six countries including the United States, China and Russia reached an agreement on restricting Iran's development nuclear military and lifting sanctions on Iran.However, after the Trump administration came to power in 2017, the US Trump administration has adopted a tough policy on Iran. In 2018, it also announced withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement to restore sanctions on Iraqi.Iran subsequently accelerated the nuclear plan.

Researcher Katuris, a researcher at the Institute of Institute of Think Tank in the United States, said that for the United States and Israel, the Issha agreement provides a "new possible way", which is expected to restore the Iraqi nuclear negotiations, and it is extremely concerned about the Iranian nuclear plan.Saudi Arabia is likely to participate in it.

He emphasized that while Esha establishes a new relationship, it is necessary to solve the concerns of all parties in the Iranian nuclear plan, otherwise everything is just empty talk.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said on Friday that the United States was happy to see Iran and Saudi Arabia, but still retained."Let's wait and see if Iran will fulfill the agreement. This is not a regime that is usually fulfilled."