(Washington Composite Electric) Former Vice President Pence, the former President of the United States, has issued the most severe condemnation to the former President Trump so far, saying that history will investigate Trump's responsibility in the Riot of Congress two years ago.

Burns was the vice president of Trump during his administration; on the day of the riots of the parliamentary building on January 6, 2021, he was supervising the Congress to certify the results of the 2020 election group.Trump posted many tweets on the same day, calling on Republicans to "fight", accuse the elections of fraud, and criticize the results of not being recognized by the presidential election.

When Pence attended the event on Saturday (March 11), he recalled how he was threatened by life that day and had to hide under the instructions of the security to avoid the mobs raging in the Capitol.

He said, "President Trump is wrong ... I have no power to overthrow the election. His reckless remarks endanger my family and everyone in the Congress of the Congress. I know that history will be held accountable for Trump."

After the Riot of the Capitol, Pence rarely criticized Trump's role in public in public.Today, Pence is considering the nomination of the Republican Party of the 2024 Presidential Election. Therefore, his team believes that he is time to say his feelings.

Burns said: "What happened that day was a shame. In any other way, describing it and laughed at the integrity. As long as I live, I will never look at these continuous damage and lost life.And the heroism of law enforcement officers on this tragedy day. "

On January 6, 2021, some demonstrators who supported then President Trump overthrowing the results of the 2020 presidential election forcibly broke into the US Congress Building for several hours.EssenceThe riots died of five people, including a parliamentary police, and about 140 law enforcement officers were injured.Before the incident, Trump made an institutional speech to the supporters near the White House, and only a few hours they broke into the parliament before they asked them to leave.

Trump has officially announced to participate in the 2024 presidential election.In this regard, Pence said: "I will support the Republican presidential candidate in 2024 ... If the candidate is me.

In addition, the Republican Party's most popular presidential election candidate Florida Governor De Santis has begun recruiting soldiers for the Elych election and contacting some Republican political teams.team.This is the latest signs that Desantis will run for president.

De Santis has not announced whether to participate in the 2024 presidential election. However, many polls have recently showed that De Santis has a leading Trump.