North Korea launched at least six short -range ballistic missiles on March 9.After the North Korean leader Kim Jong -un inspected the firepower to attack the exercise that day, he ordered the military to strengthen the "actual combat" exercise.The analysis pointed out that North Korea released a tough counter -counter signal to the internally in South Korea and the United States this month, highlighting the military tension atmosphere.

The South Korean military said on the 9th that North Korea launched short -range ballistic missiles in the west of the west of the western peninsula on the west coast, which is analyzing the possibility of launching multiple short -range ballistic missiles in North Korea and the same place at the same time.

The North Korean Society reported on the 10th that North Korean leader Kim Jong -un inspected the Huacheng Artillery Forces responsible for the important combat task of the Western Front of the DPRK on the 9th, and visited the fire attack training.

Kim Jong -un emphasized: "The firepower assault team must wait solemnly, and to steadily strengthen various simulation practical drills, and to complete the two strategic tasks perfectly.

The photos released by the DPRK on the 10th showed that one of the six launch vehicles was launched and six missiles were launched at the same time.But considering that the launch vehicle can be equipped with four missiles, there may be more than six.

Kim Jong -un also inspected the exercise with her little daughter Jin Zhuai this time. She recently appeared in important activities.

Analysis: or for the Korean Air Force Airport and the Mountains and Air Force Base

Analysis pointed out that Kim Jong -un has previously said that "enemy forces are crazy launching various war preparation activities." Han Mei will conduct a large scale named "FreeDom Shield" from the 13th to 23rd of this month.In the United Air Force exercise, North Korea released a strong counter -counter signal on the eve of the Korean and American military performances, highlighting the military tension atmosphere.

Another analysis believes that this exercise is implemented for the South Korean Air Force Airport and Mountain American Air Force Base.North Korea launched at least six missiles at the same time, showing the ability to crack down on Air Force airports at the same time.

Kim Jong -un's sister Kim and Zheng said on the 7th that any move to shoot down the North Korean test missiles can be regarded as declaration of war, and the United States and South Korea have accused the United States and South Korea from intensifying tensions.

The Pacific Command of the U.S. Army India pointed out that North Korea's test missiles did not pose a threat to the United States or allies, but North Korea's large -scale killing weapons and ballistic missile plans to affect regional stability.