Pukhov, director of the Moscow Think Tank Strategy and Technical Analysis Center, said that because Ukraine's air defense capabilities are strengthened, and Ukraine receives more air defense systems provided by the West, in the future airThe interception ability will be further strengthened, so Russia has to expand the use of dagger hypersonic missiles.

(Kiev / Vernis Composite Electric) Russia bombed major Ukrainian cities on Thursday (March 9), rarely used many high -cost high -end missiles, which attracted the attention of the outside world.

The director of the Moscow Think Tank Strategy and Technical Analysis Center Pukhof said that the strategic changes in the Russian army may be to keep the increasingly reduced cruise missile inventory. It will be more intense.

Phofhof said: "Because Ukraine's air defense capacity is strengthened, and as Ukraine receives more air defense systems provided by the West, the future air interception capacity will be further strengthened. ThereforeUse of missiles. "

He said that fighting this spring should be more intense. Now using a dagger missile to retain more cruise missiles for the next battle is also a logical approach.

Among the many weapons used by the Russian army for bombardment, including six Kinzhal airborne hypersonic missiles that can avoid the air defense system.This is also the most of such missiles in Russia in a single air attack.

Russia on Thursday to major cities such as Kiev, Halkov, Adessa, and Zomir (Zhytomyr) in Ukraine.The Zhapollo -Nuclear Power Station was even more power off. Fortunately, the power supply was quickly restored to avoid a crisis.Russia said it was a retaliation operation that launched a terrorist attack in the Bryansk area in southern Russia last week.

Ukrainian military expert Nondanov believes that because Russian intelligence agencies have not achieved results in military, they have retired and chose to attack the people's morale and attack Ukraine's energy infrastructure.yield.

He pointed out that Russia still believes that taking such a strategy can achieve the goal, but obviously underestimated the Ukraine's will.

In terms of combat, Bakhmut, the industrial town of Russia in eastern Ukraine, continues to fight fiercely, and Ukraine is still adhering to the position.

The Russian mercenary organization's Wagner Group refers to the east side of Bachomut on Wednesday.Ridanov revealed that the latest war situation said that the Urk Army frustrated the Russian army to surround the Bachurut from the west. The front line on the south has been held for a few days, but the Russian army has made some progress in the north of Bachomut.

Lithuanian Military Intelligence Director: Russian Army reserve is enough for war to last two years

On the other hand, Paul Haoisi, director of the Lithuanian Military Intelligence Bureau, told the media on Thursday that in terms of Russia's current resources, such as strategic reserves, equipment, ammunition and military reserve, Russia has the ability to make the war with the current strength of the current strengthIt lasted for two years.

He said how long Russia can eventually last in this war, depending on how much support from Iran and North Korea such as military and other countries.

Paula Maintenance announced the national security threat report of Lithuanian intelligence agencies on the same day. The report stated that hackers connected with the Russian and Chinese governments repeatedly tried to invade the Lithuanian government network in 2022.

Intelligence agencies to judge the purpose of hackers is to collect information related to Lithuania's internal affairs and diplomatic -related information for a long time.It does not explain whether the hacker's attack is successful.