(Washington Composite Electric) The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe reiterated that the United States seeks to compete with China but does not conflict, saying that Sino -US relations remain unchanged and the United States respects the "one Chinese policy", but does not want to wantSee the changes in the status quo of Taiwan.

Kobe on Tuesday (March 7) responded to the latest speech of China's new foreign minister Qin Gang on Sino -US relations: "Our goal is to win competition with China, but we definitely want to maintain this level."

Qin Gang debuted at a press conference on the "Two Sessions" foreign ministers in China on Tuesday. In response to questions about Sino -US relations, it refers to the so -called competition in the United States.He reminded that if the United States does not step on the brakes and continues to soar along the wrong road, China and the United States will inevitably fall into conflict confrontation.

Qin Gang also emphasized that the Taiwan issue is a red line that is not allowed by Sino -US relations; the Taiwan issue is not handled well, and Sino -US relations shake the mountains.

In this regard, Kobe has reiterated that the U.S. -China -One China policy stands unchanged. It does not support Taiwan independence nor to see the status quo of the Taiwan Strait unilaterally, and does not want to see the status quo of force.

In August last year, Pelosi, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States, visited Taiwan, which led to rapidly heating the tension between China and the United States. Now, McCarthy, the new House of Representatives, also confirmed that it is planned to meet with Tsai Ing -wen, Taiwan in the United States this year, and do not rule out late.When visiting Taiwan at this time, the relationship between China and the United States and the Taiwan Strait was tight again.

McCarthy answered the media inquiries on Tuesday night and said, "Where can I go to the way China can go?"

Analysis: Sino -US relations continue to deteriorate in the short term

One day before Qin Gang attended the press conference of the Chinese "Two Sessions" foreign minister, China's official rare place named Western countries led by the United States attempted to curb China, so that China faced severe challenges in the past five years, and uncertainties in the world increased significantly.

Voice of America quoted analysts, reports that this indicates that Sino -US relations will continue to deteriorate in the short period of medium term. At present, there is no power to break such a "vicious circle".

Gan Side, an expert in China Strategy and International Research Center, tweeted that Chinese officials' direct criticism of the United States foreshadowed that China and the United States would be unlikely to compromise in any major issues in the future.

Tension has hurt the cooperation of climate issues between the two countries

In an interview with the Axios News Website of the United States and former Secretary of State Kerry, the tension between China and the United States has harmed the cooperation between the two countries on climate issues and said that the climate issues have already existed with all other tensions between the two countries.The situation is wrapped together.

Zhang Yan, a senior researcher at the Chinese research association of the US Think Tank Foreign Relations, believes that Chinese officials and Qin Gang's approach seems to be reactions to the recent series of Chinese actions in the United States.

"I think from the perspective of China, the development of the United States is a bit worrying ... Objectively speaking, Washington does have a lot of criticisms in China. This may make China worry, of course, it will also irritate China."/P>

Twelve cross -party senators in the United States just put forward a proposal on Tuesday to expand government power. It can be fully prohibited from the national security reasons, including Chinese short video applications TIKTOK or other foreign technologies to obtain the White House support.