South Korea has greatly reduced the source of military sources due to the continued decline in fertility rate. The official consideration will replace the armed soldiers who are currently at the front of the border on the front line of the border.

South Korea ’s Central Daily reported on March 2 that the plan to use the“ unmanned comprehensive alarm system ”to guard the Boundaries of the Korean DPRK warfare has been listed by the Ministry of National Defense as one of the national defense innovation projects.

It is reported that the "unmanned comprehensive alarm system" refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) robots and drones to perform alert patrol missions on the iron fence on the border. At the same timeIn response to the situation of North Korean soldiers' sincerity, penetration, etc.

Government sources revealed that the official will complete the concept of this comprehensive alarm system this year, and will choose a frontline troops to deploy next year to test the effect.

The Korean government considers the use of this border guard system because the domestic fertility rate has continued to decline, the population has contracted cliff -like, and adult men who can join the army have also decreased sharply.

Official data shows that in order to cope with the continued decline in fertility, the official invested 28 trillion won (S $ 287 billion) from 2006 to 2021, but the babies born in 2022 still decreased by 4.4%year -on -year.

The overall fertility rate fell below 0.8

South Korea's overall fertility rate last year (the average number of children for each child with a child of childbearing age) was 0.78, which fell below 0.8 for the first time. Only half of the average fertility rate of Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) member states was 1.59.

The estimated data from the Korean Institute of Defense (Kida) shows that the South Korean army soldiers were 500,000 in 2022, and will be reduced to 465,000 by 2035. The 2039 meeting will be further dropped to 400,000. In 2043, only 33 are 33.Ten thousand.

Analysis believes that there are currently more than 10 Army infantry divisions deployed along the iron fence on the southern boundary of the Anti -Japanese War line, with a total of 100,000 to 200,000 soldiers; as the source of the military shrinks, the official has to explore the minimum force on the minimum force on the minimum force.Alert patrol plan along the iron fence.If the new system is successfully implemented, it can be greatly reduced to the soldiers who must be deployed on the armistor of the war, and more troops are transferred to other places.

The Central Daily also published an editorial that the South Korean Army has always deployed the main force at the forefront, and most of the attention points are concentrated on the warning combat tasks. Therefore, when other emergencies occur, they may not respond in time.The military service of Korean men has been shortened to 18 months. In addition, the fertility rate is getting lower and lower, and the problem of reduced military sources is becoming increasingly serious. It is no way to deploy artificial intelligence robots on the front of the armistice.However, the editorial said that even if the cutting -edge equipment may have a day of failure, the government should train the commanders and soldiers who use and control the equipment to avoid security vulnerabilities.