Putin said that there is news that the United States is considering actual nuclear weapons tests. If the United States does so, Russia will do it.He warned the United States that the new strategic weapon system of the Russian army had entered a state of combat.

(Moscow Composite Electric) Russian President Putin announced on Tuesday (February 21) that it suspended the participation in the new cut strategic weapon treaty signed with the United States.He also warned that Russia would do so if the United States resumed the nuclear test.

At noon on the same day of Putin (5 pm Singapore time on the same day), he published a national information on the Russian Federal Parliament to explain his views on the Russian -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -wars, Russian confrontation with the West, and the international situation.

Wanting to resolve peace with the Western countries of the Western in the West

Putin said: "I was forced to announce today that Russia will suspend the strategic weapon treaty." He emphasized that Russia did not withdraw from the treaty.He said that there is news that the United States is considering actual nuclear weapons tests. If the United States does so, Russia will also conduct peer.He warned the United States that the new strategic weapon system of the Russian army had entered a state of combat.

The United States and Russia signed this treaty in Prague in 2010 that the number of nuclear bombs restricted by the two countries took effect every other year.Shortly after Biden took office, the two countries agreed to extend the treaty's validity period to 2026 in 2021.

When talking about the Russian and Ukraine War, Putin said that Russia hopes to resolve Ukraine conflicts peacefully, but Western countries will be destroyed behind them, trying to turn the Russian and Ukraine war into a global confrontation with Russia, and threatening Russia's survival.

"We are doing everything possible to solve this problem peacefully, and get rid of this difficult conflict through negotiations. However, a completely different scene is brewing behind us."

Putin said to the two houses and military generals of the parliament: "They (West) intend to turn local conflicts into global confrontation. We understand this and make corresponding responses. In this caseClaiming to the survival of our country. "

Putin vowed that Russia will continue to fight in Ukraine.He pointed out that the attempts of Western Differential Russian society would not succeed, and that most Russians supported this battle.

For the United States and other countries to fight against Russia with a series of sanctions, Putin pointed out that these sanctions were to defeat Russia economically."They want the people to suffer ... but their calculations are endless. Russia's economy and management are much stronger than they think."

Putin refers to Western intention to sanction Russia, but faces risks of trillions of dollars, and Russia's capital flow has not yet exhausted.

U.S. President Bynden visited Kiev, Ukraine's capital at all without forecasting on Monday, and met with President Zeleki.

Biden pointed out that Putin originally believed that Ukraine was weak and the West was split. Therefore, he invaded Ukraine in the past a year ago, which actually proves that he misjudged the situation.

Bynden visited Kiev, the US State Department announced another $ 460 million (about S $ 616 million) assistance to Ukraine.Since the outbreak of the Russia and Ukraine War, the United States has provided Ukraine with more than $ 24 billion in security assistance.

The Kremlin said on Tuesday that Russia carefully observed Biden's visit to Kiev.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that for Russia, Biden's Kiev's trip was "nothing special."

Biden arrived in Warsaw, the capital of Poland on Monday night. When he met with Poland President Duda on Tuesday, he emphasized that the United States still strongly supported Ukraine. "As I told President Zessky yesterday, our support for Ukraine still still supports Ukraine.Firmly. "

Biden refers to Poland's support for neighboring Ukraine "it is really unusual."Du Da said that thanks to Biden, "we see the United States can maintain world order."

Biden also said that in Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the past year, NATO is more powerful today than ever.