(Morning News) A suspected Chinese "spy balloon" has drifted over the United States for a few days. Senior US officials suggested that President Biden not shot down, because worrying that balloon fragments may pose a security threat.

Reuters reported that a senior US defense officials said to the media on Thursday (February 2): "Obviously, the purpose of this balloon is to monitor."

This balloon entered the United States a few days ago, and Washington officials have been tracking it, including surveillance through the US military aircraft.

U.S. officials refuse to explain the height of the balloon, only reveal that its height is higher than that of civil air traffic, but it is lower than the "outer space".

Senior US military leaders have considered shot down the balloon over Montana, but because there is potential safety risks due to balloon fragments, it is finally recommended not to do this.

The relationship between the two world's largest economies in the United States and China has continued to be tight, and there are conflicts in the records involving Taiwan and China and China's military activities in the South China Sea.