(Washington Composite Electric) The US House of Representatives Cross -Party Special Investigation Commission announced on Thursday (December 22) that the final investigation report of the Rirapete of Congress last year clarified that former President Trump should face criminal charges of inciting riots.

The report of more than 800 pages of more than 800 pages is based on nearly 1200 interviews conducted by the Special Investigation Committee within 18 months, 100,000 documents, and ruling of more than 60 federal and state courts.


Report pointed out in the abstract that it is mainly a person, namely Trump, which caused the riots of Congress on January 6, 2021.


Abstract tells how Trump has lost his brains after the loss of 7 million votes in the 2020 election, and he worked hard to start in many ways to promote a plan designed to overthrow the results of the election.

Reports also recommend what measures should be taken to ensure that similar incidents will not repeat it.

After the report was released,

After the report was released, it once again attacked the results of the "high -party distribution" investigation and the "political persecution" of his "political persecution", and said that the report did not study the cause of last year's protests and election fraud.

A special investigation committee of the House of Representatives consisting of seven Democrats and two Republicans has decided to vote on Monday, and suggested that the Ministry of Justice put forward four criminal charges of Trump's former Republican president, that is,Inciting or assisting the rebellion, hindering the official procedures for Congress, conspiracy to deceive the federal government, and make false statements.

However, the proposal of the Special Investigation Commission is only symbolic. Whether it is controlled by Trump is determined by the Ministry of Justice.Trump announced last month that he would run for president in 2024. If he was eventually charged and convicted, he might not be able to hold public office or even jail.