(Washington Composite Electric) The United States stated that they are willing to provide coronary vaccines to China, saying that curbing China's epidemic is in line with global interests.However, analysis believes that China is unlikely to accept it.

U.S. State Council spokesman Puis said on Tuesday (December 20) that all countries are committed to planting crown diseases for the people. At the same time, it is important to make people easier to obtain testing and treatment.

Puris said that the United States is the world's largest donor to the crown vaccine, and is going to continue to provide crown vaccines and other related support to people around the world, including China.

He emphasized: "This is very in line with the interests of other parts of the world. Our crown disease vaccine is safe and effective, and it has been provided to many countries in the world. Whether we have any political differences with these countries."

Pois said that China is the second largest economy in the world. "China controls the epidemic is not only important to itself, but also is also important to the persistent economic recovery of the international community."

After the long -term coronary clearing policy of crown disease caused rare protests, it suddenly relaxed the control of epidemic prevention, but many people still did not vaccinate the crown disease, especially the elderly.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said in June that after two doses of Coronary Vaccine of China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm), the efficiency of symptomatic infections and hospitalization was 79%, and American companies Modner and Pfizer's crown diseasesThe vaccine efficiency is about 95%.

Agence France -Presse analyzed that China is unlikely to accept the help of the United States.After the outbreak, Beijing has invested heavily on "crown disease", including providing domestic vaccines to other countries.

Germany is transporting Pfizer vaccine to China

However, a German government spokesman revealed on Wednesday that a group of Pfizer vaccines are transporting to China.Pfizer's coronary vaccine was jointly developed with Germany Biontech.This will be the first batch of foreign vaccines received by China.

The spokesman is unwilling to disclose the number of vaccines and the date of expected to be arrived. It only says that these vaccines are mainly for injections in the Germans of China, but Germany is also urging China to allow other foreigners to vaccinate these vaccines in China.Essence

On the other hand, several well -known scientists and WHO consultants warned that due to a devastating infection in China, it is now announced that the crown disease epidemic emergency stage is over or too early.

Member of the WHO, a member of the Dutch virus, said: "The problem is that the problem is that when an important region in the world is about to enter the second wave of epidemic, it can be called it now.The "post -epidemic period"? Obviously we are in a very different stage in the popularity of crown disease, but in my opinion, this wave of upcoming China's upcoming wave is unknown. "

WHO: Unewal for vaccine distribution may still list emergency sanitation incidents

The committee where Kupmans is located will give suggestions on whether the crown disease will constitute the global emergency sanitation incident in late January, but the final decision is that the Director of the WHD Tan Dezai.

Tan Desai said last week that he hopes to announce that crown disease will no longer be "internationally concerned emergencies" (PHEIC).

Ruian, executive director of the World Wei Emergency Project, pointed out that it is the main reason for the failure to obtain vaccines from all over the world, which may still be listed as an emergency health incident.Crown diseases in the northern hemisphere and other seasonal respiratory tract infections have increased and stressed to the medical system are also a consideration factor.

Chinese official data shows that the local mainstream coronal virus strains are still Omikon and its subtype.However, some experts warn that once the crown disease is widely spread in China, it may provide a variant space for the virus.

Tom Peacock, a virusist at the Empire Institute of Technology in London, said that due to the lack of complete data, it is unclear that "this wave of epidemic in China is driven by variant strains, or the result of failure to prevent and control failure."Essence

In any case, experts emphasize that the priority is to assist China to curb this wave of epidemic.