The North Korean military launched hundreds of artillery shells to South Korea ’s“ Maritime Cushion ”on the grounds of“ military provocation ”in South Korea for two consecutive days.The analysis pointed out that this is the "cliff tactics" that North Korea forced South America to make concessions through the manufacturing tension.

Tuesday (December 6) of the North Korean Society quoted the General Staff of the People's Army that the enemy (referred to as South Korea) fired a shell near the front line from 9:15 am on the 5th.In order to issue a strong warning, (North Korea) ordered a real -maritime shot.

In this regard, the Han Army said on the 6th that the Korean army detected that North Korea launched more than 90 cannonballs in the east waters from 10 am in Gaocheng County, Jiangyuan Daocheng County, East at 10 am.Later, from 6 pm that day, North Korea fired more than 10 fire shells from the area of Kin Kong County, Jiangyuan.

The North Korean Army refers to the shooting training of the South Korean Army and the U.S. military stationed in South Korea from the 5th to 6th, and asked South Korea to stop military provocation near the front line.Han Jun has previously announced that the multi-tube rocket launcher and K-9 self-propelled artillery have been announced for shooting exercises.

North Korea also launched more than 130 shells to the East China Caps on the 5th, but the shells fired on the 5th and 6th fell into the maritime buffer north of the northern boundary (NLL) and were criticized by South Korea.Violations of the 1991 military agreement of the South Korea and North Korea.

The Korean Army emphasized that North Korea's firing shells in the "sea buffer" in the east waters obviously violated the 1999 military agreement, and the Korean army strongly requested that they immediately interrupted.

Park Yuankun, a professor at the Department of Korean Studies at Lihua Women's University, said: "This is the" cliff tactic "that North Korea has made through the tension of the peninsula from September 25.

North Korea always likes to adopt the "cliff tactics", that is, by continuously creating tension atmosphere, even provocative ways, it is forced to negotiate with him and compromise with him, such as aid to North Korea or the normalization of North Korea and the United States.

Wen Cheng Mo, director of the Unity of the National Institute of Strategic Research, believes that North Korea's move has the purpose of narrowing the scale of South Korea and the United States' military exercise and weakening the response.

The tight situation of South Korea and North Korea has continued to heat up. North Korea ’s military provocation has been better than in the past this year. According to several government sources, in the first draft of the national defense white paper released by the Yin Xiyue government in May this year, six years have beenRe -called the North Korean regime as "enemy" to show its hostile attitude towards North Korea.

In this case, South Korea's MBN TV news reported that new events appeared in the West Sea Rocket launcher in Dongcang, North Korea.