(Washington Comprehensive News) The US Special Service states that the Chinese hacker organization has stolen tens of millions of dollars in US crown diseases since 2020.

NBC News reported that the hacker organization named Based on Chengdu, China is called APT41 or Winnti.According to Reuters, the Special Service Bureau confirmed this on Monday (December 5), but refused to provide more information.

The news of the National Broadcasting Corporation also quoted the data from the Special Service Bureau that APT41, which has been stolen at least 20 million US dollars (about S $ 27 million), accused of being associated with the Chinese government.Loan and unemployment insurance funds in the US Small Enterprise Administration.

According to experts, APT41 has launched multiple criminal activities, including network invasion operations supported by the government, as well as data leakage incidents planned for money.

APT41's several members were sued by the US Department of Justice in 2019 and 2020. The crime is more than 100 companies including the secret surveillance software development company, telecommunications supplier, social media company, and video game developers.

The former Deputy Minister of Justice Rosen said at the time: "It is regrettable that the Chinese government has chosen a different path.They will make China a shelter for cyber criminals. "