(Washington Composite Electric) After Russia annexed the four districts of Ukraine, it upgraded its confrontation with the US and North Atlantic Treaty.US President Biden emphasized that the United States and NATO will not be frightened by Russian President Putin.

In the Cremlin Palace on Friday (September 30) Putin (September 30), after incorporating the four districts of Donetzk, Lugusk, Hermuson and Zpollo -hot in eastern Ukraine into Russian territory, Bayeng was immediately here.The White House shouted directly to Putin: "The United States and allies will not be timid because of this, (Putin) cannot be scared us."

Bayon pointed his fingers to the TV camera lens, warning Russia not to spread the war from NATO outside Ukraine."The United States has been fully prepared to defend every inch of NATO with the NATO allies. Mr. Putin, don't misunderstand what I mean, is every inch of the territory."

Biden also said that Putin signed an agreement with the four Ukrainian districts he appointed in Russia, but it highlighted that he was "struggling."

Generally, I believe that Putin's collection of Ukraine as a territory is to find legitimacy for the use of nuclear weapons in the future, because he has repeatedly said that he will defend territory with nuclear weapons in the near future.

However, the United States believes that although Putin is likely to resort to nuclear weapons, it is unlikely to happen in the short term.

U.S. National Security Consultant Sarawan said in an interview on Friday: "According to Putin's talks and nuclear weapons intimidation, it exists to use nuclear weapons, but we know each other.I didn't see the signs of his upcoming use of nuclear weapons. "

Shatin emphasized that Washington is directly communicating with Russia in private, so that Russia understands the decisive response that the United States will take.He also pointed out that the United States has sent multiple reinforcements to support the US garrison in Europe to prepare to deal with the war upgrade at any time."We believe that we have the ability to deal with any emergencies now."

NATO reiterated to the Ukraine's four districts in Russia and will continue to support Ukraine operations.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg said at a press conference in Brussels that Russia provoked the worst conflict upgrade since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War."The purpose of President Putin is to prevent us from helping Ukraine, but he will not succeed."

The World Bank announced that it will provide Ukraine with $ 530 million (about S $ 760 million) to supplement funds to meet emergency needs.

The Vice President of the World Bank responsible for European and Central Asian regional affairs, Bigerd, said that the damage and loss caused by the war to Ukraine have continued to expand, and the road of recovery is long. It is estimated that its repair and reconstruction cost of the next three years will exceed 1000One hundred million U.S. dollars.

The United Nations Security Council condemned Russia's resolution to the Russian territory to vote on Friday. Russia, as expected, used veto, but 10 countries voted to support, and China, India, Gabon, and Brazil were abstained.

The United States Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield later told reporters: "No country votes to support Russia. No one." She revealed that the United States will propose to collectively condemn Russia at the United Nations conference with 193 member states.

my country condemn Russia illegal Occupy Ukraine territory

Russia's merger acts are generally condemned internationally.

The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) also shows that Russia will never recognize Russia's merger of Ukrainian territory and impose more economic sanctions on Russia.

The Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Saturday that Russia decided to annex the four occupied areas of Ukraine and violated the International Law and the United Nations Charter.The sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of all countries must be respected.

At the UNESCO's world cultural policy and sustainable development conference on Friday in the UNESCO, dozens of other representatives of other countries gathered to protest when Russian representatives spoke.

Lithuanian Minister of Culture Kacilis said at the conference that he has condemned Russia on behalf of 48 countries to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.He said that textbooks have confirmed that at least 193 cultural locations in Ukraine have been damaged since the Russian army invaded, including museums, libraries, cultural centers and historical buildings.