The White House national security adviser Sha Lvin said that the United States has told Russia that the use of nuclear weapons will trigger "decisive response" by the United States and allies.

(New York Composite Electric) Faced with the nuclear threat of Russian President Putin, the United States also raised its confrontation and issued severe warnings to Putin.U.S. Secretary of State Broskels confirmed that the United States has warned Russia privately that they do not use nuclear weapons to avoid causing catastrophic consequences.

Blintin was interviewed by the "60 -minute" program under the venue of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.In the show broadcast on Sunday (September 25), Blinken said: "We (the United States) stated to Russia in public and privately that they must stop expressing their opinions about the use of nuclear weapons ...The consequences of learning from us will be terrible, this is very important. We have already clearly showed this. "

Brintken also said: "Any use of nuclear weapons will have a disaster effect on countries using nuclear weapons. This is the case for many other countries except Russia."

The White House National Security Counselor Sha Liwen said in another interview program of CBS on the same day that the United States has told Russia at a "very high level" that the use of nuclear weapons will cause the United States and allies to "decisively respond".

Shalvon said: "We have clearly explained to Moscow what it means." He also said: "If Russia crosses this line, it will cause catastrophic consequences to Russia, and the United States will respond decisively."

The Kremlin said on Monday that Russia maintains "sporadic" contact with the United States on nuclear weapons.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said Russia and the United States have maintained limited public dialogue channels to maintain "emergency information exchange" in the world's two nuclear military powers.

"(Russia and the United States) have appropriate levels of dialogue channels. Although the nature is very scattered, at least it allows to exchange some emergency information on each other's positions."

Putin used nuclear weapons last Wednesday, and announced that about 300,000 reserve personnel who have participated in military experience have been called to further upgrade the Russian and Ukraine War.

Britain announced the sanction of Russian officials Japan's ban on export of chemical martial arts products

The British Prime Minister Tras was interviewed by the United States Cable Television News (CNN) that the allies should stand firm on the Ukrainian issue and ignore Putin's intimidation.

Tras refers to Putin's unpredictable response and make strategic mistakes."We should not be affected by his force and false threats. On the contrary, what we must do is to continue to sanction Russia and continue to support Ukraine."

The British government announced on Monday that Russian officials who sorted a referendum in Ukrainian territory, including 55 directors and members of 55 companies who "also fund Russia's war machines".

Matsuna Matsuna, Secretary -General of Japanese Cabinet, said at a press conference: "The possibility of Japan's possibility of using nuclear weapons during Russia's invasion of Ukraine was deeply concerned." He also announced that he would prohibit export of chemical weapons related products to Russia to further further export chemical weapons to further further export chemical weapons to further further export chemical weapons to further further.Sanctioning Moscow.

Matsuno also said that Japan will continue to cooperate with the international community to support Ukraine and sanction Russia.The Japanese government issued a statement after the Cabinet meeting that Japan also listed 21 Russian organizations including the scientific laboratory as the target of the existing existing ban.

Ukraine and Western allies have accused Russia of Lugusk, Donetsk, Hermuson, and Zapolo in Ukraine in Ukraine, with the purpose of taking the opportunity to upgrade the war and further annex Ukraine's territory.

The Russian news agency quoted sources that the Russian Parliament might be the earliest on Thursday to debate the bill of combined new territories.The Russian News Agency (RIA) reported that Putin might speak to Parliament on Friday.