Due to the historical factors of the colonies, France, Germany and British Navy have always been active in the Indo -Pacific region and often deployed warships to cruise or participate in joint exercises in this region.However, in recent months, the French and German Air Force deployed long -term operations, which has attracted attention in the Indo -Pacific region.

The recent military activities of major European countries in the Pacific region of India are dense. In addition to the common maritime exercises and cruise, the German and French Air Force also sent military aircraft to participate in the exercise in this area to show the strength of the Air Force.The presence of the Indo -Pacific region.

Due to the historical factors of the colonies, the French, German and British Navy have always been active in the Indo -Pacific region, and often deploy warships to cruise or participate in joint exercises in this region.However, in recent months, the French and German Air Force deployed long -term operations, which has attracted attention in the Indo -Pacific region.

Among them, the French Air Force launched a PEGASE operation for more than a month on August 10th. The fighter aircraft first passed India and Australia within 72 hours.Multi -national joint military exercise "Pitch Black".Three Rafale (Rafale) Blind fighters, two A330 multi -purpose fuel transport aircraft, and a A400M transport aircraft followed by Singapore and the Chinese Air Force for joint military exercises.

The German Air Force sent 13 military aircraft for the first time participated in the Australian "Dark Action"

The German Air Force sent 13 military planes from Germany to Singapore from Germany within 24 hours, and then went to Australia to participate in the "Dark Action".This is the first exercise of the German Air Force's participation in Australia. It is also the overseas military exercise that Germany has sent the most military aircraft since World War II.

Xu Ruilin, a researcher at the Institute of National Defense and Strategy of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that as of this year, the military cooperation and military exercises of EU countries in the Indo -Pacific region were significantly more than two years ago.In addition to the slowdown in the epidemic of crown disease and the gradual relaxation of epidemic prevention restrictions, it is also related to factors such as the Pacific region and the geopolitical wrestling of Europe itself.

The recent actions of the French and German Air Force especially attracted the attention of Xu Ruilin.He said: "Navy diplomacy is generally more common. However, following the increase in navy diplomacy last year, we saw more 'air diplomacy' this year."

"But not too many European countries have the ability to projected such long -distance military power, so I believe this will only be limited to several countries."

The focus of major European countries to the Indo -Pacific region has increased significantly in recent years.Germany introduced the German -Pacific region strategy in September 2020, and then the European Union announced in September last year to announce the European Union's Indo -Pacific cooperation strategy; France was first included in the word "Indo -Pacific" in public discussion since 2018. This yearThe detailed Indo -Pacific region strategy was released in February.

Lin Weiling, a researcher at the Yasidan Research Center of the Easov Isae Eastern South Asian Research Center in Singapore, analyzed that the Indo -Pacific region became increasingly important and gradually became the key to shaping the international order.The EU realizes that the increase in geopolitical tensions in the region and intensification of competitive wrestling may affect global stability, thereby impacting the EU's interests in the Indo -Pacific region.

Increase military cooperation in the Indo -Pacific region and strengthen defense cooperation, so it is in line with the Indo -Pacific region strategy of individual members of the European Union and the EU.

The German Defense Minister Langbrecht pointed out in an interview with the Japan Times recently that Germany knew that the security of Europe -Atlantic regions was connected to the Indo -Pacific region. "This is why we need to help maintain peace and peace in this important regionStablize".

She also said that because the economic and geopolitical and geopolitics of the Indo -Pacific region are important to Germany and the entire Europe, any conflict of Indo -Pacific region will have a huge impact on Germany's various aspects. "

She called on regional countries to take measures to establish mutual trust, such as holding joint military exercises and improving the transparency of military capabilities.

Germany plans to go to Australia to participate in the "Talisman Sabre" joint military exercise in Australia next year, and it is expected that the maritime forces will be deployed to the Indo -Pacific region in 2024 to show that Germany is committed to cashing in the Indo -Pacific area.Safety commitment.

Can you maintain military investment scholars for a long time: still to be observed

However, interviewees believe that whether Europe can maintain their military investment in the Indo -Pacific region for a long time and wait to observe.

Xu Ruilin pointed out that European countries' military investment in this region is affected by many uncertain factors, including the development of the Ukraine crisis and the relationship between European countries and China.

He believes that countries in the Indo -Pacific region are not blindly believed that European countries will be committed to deploying military strength in this region, and regional countries see Europe to participate in regional affairs in this region, mainly to leave a back road between China and the United States.

Xu Ruilin said that people need to observe more years in order to judge whether related European countries really intentionally put military strength in the region."From the perspective of Germany in recent years, they do have very much investment in this area ... But the question is whether they will do this next year? At present, it is too early."