In order to curb the continuous expansion of China in the Pacific region, the United States and Pacific leaders have decided to strengthen their partnership.Reaching an agreement, "has a common vision for the future, and there is also a determination to jointly build the future."

(Washington Composite Electric) The United States and the Pacific Island countries agree to establish partnership. The Bayeng government is reportedly announced at a two -day summit to invest in more than 800 million US dollars in the Pacific region to curb China's continuous expansion of the influence in the region.Essence

The first summit of the United States and the Pacific Island State held on Wednesday (September 29) in Washington.The Washington Post quoted U.S. officials as saying that the Bayeng government will announce an investment of more than 860 million US dollars (about S $ 1.2 billion) to expand plans to assist the Pacific island nation.In the past 10 years, the United States has provided more than $ 1.5 billion for the Pacific Island countries.

The White House did not comment immediately on the amount of the funds, but a U.S. official said that all the leaders of the Pacific island nation of all participating in the meeting, including Solomon Prime Minister Sogovre, supported the 11 -point vision statement and promised to cooperate correct.

Earlier, Sogovre had issued diplomatic photos to other Pacific island countries, indicating that this new regional agreement led by the United States will not be signed during the summit.

The partnership declaration of the Pacific region emphasizes the importance of free navigation flight

According to the draft declarations obtained by Reuters, the United States and Pacific leaders have decided to strengthen their partnership and emphasize the importance of the United Nations Convention on Marine Law and free navigation and flight.


statement also condemned Russia to invade Ukraine, and also showed that it would work to solve the environment and health problems of the Marshall Islands, but did not specifically mention the problems left over in the Nuclear Test of the United States in the 1940s and 1950s.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said at the opening ceremony of the summit that the two sides have reached an agreement on the declaration of partnerships in the United States and the Pacific region, and "have a common vision for the future, and have the determination to jointly build the future."

Brintken pointed out that this common vision "" realize that only through cooperation can we truly cope with the biggest challenges faced by all citizens in this era. "

He enumerated the problems of climate crisis, emergencies, promotion of economic opportunities, and maintaining the "free and open Indo -Pacific region", so that each country has the right to "choose its own path" regardless of the size.

Brinken promised to implement a plan with a total value of 4.8 million US dollars to assist in supporting sustainable fisheries, agriculture and tourism in the Pacific.Insiders have revealed that the White House is also working with the private sector to launch an agreement to launch submarine cables for the Pacific region, and describes that this is the United States' "response to Chinese diplomacy and military expansion."

Puner, Secretary -General of the Pacific Island Forum, said in a statement issued on the first day of the talks that he believed that the Pacific Island country and the United States "can and ... can consolidate and establish partnership."