After the former Prime Minister of Japan, Abe was assassinated, the political heritage of the eagle leader will continue to shape Japan's future politics.It is expected that Kishida will continue to implement Abe's policy.

(Tokyo Comprehensive Electric) Reuters analysis said that the former Prime Minister Abe was assassinated two months after being assassinated, and the political heritage of the eagle leader was shaping Japan from all aspects of national defense to monetary policy.Later politics.

Analysis also said that the Japanese media exposed the relationship between the Liberal Democratic Party and the unified religion, which caused a strong protest against Abe's national funeral, and the support rate of Prime Minister Kishida was also affected by this low point.However, Kishida is expected to continue to implement Abe's policy.

Abe takes a tough route during his appointment. Many people now think that it is foreseeable, because people's concerns about China are increasing.But Abe's desire to modify the peace constitution cannot be realized.

Abe tried to use large -scale currencies and fiscal stimuli to revitalize the goals of economic and stimulating domestic demand, and Kishida has not yet indicated that these policies will suddenly change.Kishida also said that he will insist on two plans with less disputed Abe, one is to strengthen corporate governance, and the other is to use tourism as a pillar of economic growth.

Harris, a senior researcher at the U.S. Progressive Center of Washington Think Tank, said that the times were different. Abe entered politics in 1993, and nearly 30 years later, Japan's governance methods were very different.Essence"I don't think I will return to the past political trajectory."

Abe until his death, still leading the Liberal Democratic Party's largest faction.Therefore, the biggest variable is who will take over Abe to become a powerful right -wing leader.

Honorary professor of Japanese universities and political expert Iwai Iwai said that he was afraid of alienating the eagle in the party and promoting Kishida to promote national burial.Iwai said: "Since Abe's assassination, the relationship with unified religion has surfaced, and it is obvious that Abe is part of this problem. I think this will prove that it is a great misjudgment."

The Liberal Democratic Party promises to double the defense expenditure within five years to reach 2 % of the GDP (GDP), which will make Japan the third largest military expenditure country in the world after the United States and China.Although China has strengthened military activities around Taiwan, many Japanese are still vigilant about the war involved in the United States.

Kishida will greatly increase national defense expenses

Blaudi, chief analyst at the Japanese issue of international consulting company Teneo, said that Kishida is generally considered to be milder than Abe in voters' groups, and it is more trustworthy in general. "This allows himThere are greater room for rotation. "

Kishida has promised to greatly increase national defense expenses, but has not yet provided details.Bredi believes that he will not double the defense expenditure and will use Abe's plan to expand the defense expenditure through tax support in accordance with Abe's plan.

In terms of

In terms of monetary policy, the Governor of the Bank of Japan, the governor of the Japanese Bank of Japan, was criticized for adhering to large -scale currency stimulation and maintaining ultra -low interest rates.Kuroda Dongyan's term will end in April next year. His pigeon deputy Yu Gongjia is considered the most likely to replace candidates.This may mean starting more super loose policies and fiscal stimulus measures under "ABENOMICS".