(Washington Composite Electric) 14 islands in the United States and Pacific, including the Solomon Islands, reached the US -Pacific Partnership Declaration.The two sides vowed to strengthen their partnership. The United States will provide more than $ 800 million in assistance to assist the Pacific Island countries against climate change.

After two days of meetings, the United States and Pacific Island countries announced a 10 -point declaration.Pacific leaders have stated that the United States welcomes the United States for strengthening participation in the region, including expanding diplomatic existence, the connection between the two peoples, and the development and cooperation of the United States in the region.

U.S. President Biden promised to "coordinate more effectively with our allies and partners around the world."He vowed to strengthen the partnership between the United States and the Pacific and assist in the region to deal with the "survival threat" brought by the climate crisis.

China hopes that the United States should not be a geopolitical game in the name of cooperation

The influence of China ’s increasing influence in the Pacific region has not been mentioned, but he pointed out:" The security of the United States depends on the security of you and the Pacific Islands ... In the next few years and decades, our world in our worldMost of the history will be written in the Indo -Pacific region, and the Pacific island country is the key voice to create this future. "

In response to the US -Pacific Partnership Declaration, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said on September 30 in a routine reporter's question.China has an open attitude towards the country with willing countries to strengthen the normal exchanges and cooperation of the island country.However, she said that China hopes that the United States can truly provide support for the Pacific Island country to respond to climate change and achieve revitalization of development, rather than in the name of cooperation to engage in geopolitical games.

The White House said that the United States will invest more than 810 million US dollars (more than S $ 1.16 billion) to expand its assistance to Pacific Island countries.The United States will also provide $ 20 million to assist the Solomon Islands for developing tourism and set up embassies in Solomon, Tonga and Kiribas.

In addition, the US International Development Agency will establish a regional special group in Fiji next September. The United States will also deploy the Peace Team in Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, and Vanuatu. The Solomon Islands may also be included in it.

The Indo -Pacific analyst at the US Think Tank's Indo -Pacific Corporation pointed out that in the past few decades, the United States has been neglected with the Pacific, but the summit shows that this has changed.He said: "We don't want China to establish a military base in the Pacific."