(Moscow Comprehensive) Russian President Putin ignored the severe condemnation of the international community. On Friday (September 30), the pro -Russian representatives of Ukraine, Ukrandon, Rouhusk, Zapolo and Hermuson signed to Russia into RussiaAgreement includes four regions in eastern and southern Ukraine into the Russian territory.Putin's move has attracted stronger sanctions in Europe and the United States. Key characters such as the Central Bank of Russia's Central Bank of the Central Bank of the Central Bank of the Central Bank of the Central Bank of China have been included in the sanctions list by the United States. Many countries have stated that they do not accept Russia's coexistence operations.

At 3 pm Moscow on Friday time (at 8 pm Singapore on Friday), Putin held a signing ceremony in Russia in four Ukrainian places in the Kremlin."People who live in Lugusk, Donedsk, Hermone and Zarlo will always become our compatriots ... We will defend our land with all strengths and all means."

Putin's 37 -minute speech is mainly to condemn the United States and its allies to try to reduce Russia into "colonies" and launch a "hybrid war" to the Russian government in Russia and Wudong.He pointed out that the West violated his commitment to Russia, and did not talk about democracy in morality. It was a naked "imperialism" in Western countries.

He means that Europe and the United States are behind the scenes behind the explosion of Beixi natural gas pipelines.He also called on "the Kiev regime stopped hostile operation immediately and returned to the negotiating table."

Russian officials are already preparing to issue Russian passports in these areas as soon as possible; Moscow is also designated with these senators in these partners and let them join the Federal Council of the Russian Federal Conference (House of House).

Donedsk, Lugusk, Zapolo and Hermone, four regions, ended the referendum on Tuesday. The results showed that voters supported to join Russia.The total area of these Russian control areas exceeds 90,000 square kilometers, or it accounts for about 15 % of Ukraine, which is equivalent to Austria plus Belgian area.They connected Crimea, which was annexed in Russia in 2014, and formed an important terrestrial corridor between Russia and Crimea.

Zelei Sky vowed to make a strong reaction to Russia

Ukrainian President Zelezky vowed to have a strong response to Russia, and he called the heads of defense and security on Friday to hold an emergency meeting.Zeleius wrote on Telegram: "The enemy is raging, seeking revenge for our firmness and his failure." "For every dead Ukrainian, you must pay for your blood debt!" EU issued a statement on Friday to condemn Russia's annexation, indicating that it will never acknowledge the "illegal" referendum led by Russia, and will strengthen sanctions to increase the pressure on Moscow.The statement said that Russia's deliberately destroying international order is endangering global security.The European Union will continue to put pressure on Russia to end the war of aggression.

U.S. President Biden met with the leaders of the Pacific Island country in Washington on Thursday that the United States will never recognize Russia's claim to Ukraine's sovereignty, describing the so -called referendum is a complete scam.

The US Treasury Department announced on Friday that 14 people in the Russian military industry, two leaders of the Russian Central Bank, some Russian leaders' families, and 278 members of the Russian Council imposed sanctions.

The UN Secretary -General Gutres accused Russia accusing Russia annexing some parts of Ukraine. He issued a statement saying: "Any decision to annex the decision to annex in Ukraine, Lugusk, Helson and Zapolo is in the law.I can't stand on the top, and I should be condemned. Subsequent annexation. "

At 3 pm on Friday (Singapore 3 am today), the UN Security Council vot a resolution to condemn Russia for referendum in Ukraine and urge member states not to recognize any changes in Ukraine's status.Essence

While annexing some parts of Ukraine in Russia, the Russian army increased bombardment against Zparlo -hot and other areas on Friday.A civilian team in Zapolo was hit by the Russian missile, causing 23 people to die and 28 injuries.

Ukraine is also struggling to fight back.A spokesman for the Ukrainian military said on the same day that the Ukraine surrounded the Russian troops in the eastern strategy of strategic towns and controlled all logistics routes entering the area.