(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukraine officially applied to join the North Atlantic Convention through the fast channel.This is expected to move Russia's nerves again.The United States and Canada have expressed support.

After Russia announced the four districts of Wudong's entry into Russia, Ukrainian President Zelei Setiki immediately released a video on Friday (September 30), showing that it signed NATO application documents.He said in the video that Ukraine has been on the road to NATO, showing "the standard of the league."

Zellen Sky also accused Russia of "murder, extortion, abuse and lies" to rewrite history and redefine boundaries, and emphasized that Kenfu does not allow Russia to do so.

Zelei Sky said that Kiev is still committed to coexisting with Russia under the conditions of "equality, honesty, dignity and fairness", but "obviously impossible with this Russian president.""He doesn't know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are going to talk to Russia, but talk to another Russian president."

Waiting for NATO to discuss the application of Ukraine to enter the contract, Zeleisky hopes that countries can provide security guarantees to Ukraine in accordance with the Kiev Safety Contract initiated by Kiev.

The draft Kiev Safety Contract released by the Presidential Office of Ukraine on September 13 is imagined that the European Union, Britain and the United States and other countries can promise to provide Ukraine with various aspects of economic and military assistance.

NATO response to Ukraine's application is cautious.NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg responded on Friday that NATO is still open to all democratic countries in Europe. Ukraine has the right to choose its own path, but the current focus is to provide support to Kiev.

Ukraine's application must be unanimously agreed with 30 members of NATO, but Hungary has been opposed to Ukraine's joining in the past; other members have also hesitated to welcome a country in a state of war.Even if everything goes well, this process may take several years.

Kiev has repeatedly stated that he wants to join NATO, but the collective self -defense right of NATO means that once Ukraine joins, NATO will be forced to conflict with Russia.

The United States and Canada have shown that Ukraine will join NATO, but it does not mention the arrangement of accelerating Ukraine.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings told reporters: "We strongly support the country we seeks to join as a member of NATO, which can expand the power of NATO."

Canadian Foreign Minister Zhao Meilan also said after meeting with Brinken in Washington: "We believe in the open policy of NATO, we have always supported Ukraine to join NATO."