The Chinese Embassy in Cambodia received a notification from the Cambodian Police General Administration at 9 pm on Thursday (September 22) that a shipwreck accident occurred in the waters of the port of Sihanouk, with 41 Chinese citizens on board, 18 of which 18People have been rescued and properly resettled. The remaining 23 people disappeared, and two Cambodian crews were arrested.

According to the Global Network report, according to the rescued personnel, the staff on board departed from Guangzhou on September 11, and soon after arriving in the West Port waters, they encountered danger.

After the notification, the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia immediately launched an emergency work mechanism and set up a special class.The ambassador to Cambodia, Wang Wentian, deployed the Cambodian Ministry of Defense, the General Administration of Police, the Sihanouk Provincial Government and other departments, asking the Cambodian side to treat the saving person as the first priority and use all the strength and means to conduct search and rescue.Counselor and Consul General Li Jie rushed to West Port in succession at night to coordinate relevant rescue operations.

Guo Zongren, the governor of the West Provincial Governor, reported the latest progress in search and rescue work on Friday morning that after the accident, the Cambodian Ministry of Defense, the General Administration of Police, and the Western Provincial Government made their efforts to carry out rescue work. As of 12 noon, it was successful again.Save 1 water dropper person, and salvage the body of the victims at the same time.

Guo Zongren emphasized that search and rescue work continues.In order to mobilize social forces to participate in the rescue, the Western Government issued a notice to fishermen nearby, and each rescued a water drop -off was awarded $ 500 (about S $ 710).