(Seoul Composite Electric) U.S. think tank analysis satellite images said that North Korea may be preparing to launch a new type of submarine that can launch ballistic missiles.

The image of "38 degrees north latitude" (38 North), which studied North Korea's dynamic website on September 18, showed that six rebars and ships appeared on September 18th, the new Nansan South Shipyard of North Korea. ThisWhat has not been seen before, it shows that North Korea is preparing for the submarine.In addition, the image has captured the launch of the ship's watershed, the delayed orbiting facilities connected to the building, and the drag facilities, and the floating dry dock used to reduce impact.

Global nuclear military policy has emerged as an upgrade expert: This trend is worrying

"38 degrees north latitude" believes that the preparation of the new Korean submarine is likely to be in the initial stage; North Korea has built a new submarine that suspected of launching ballistic missiles in early 2016. Since thenNorth Korean leader Kim Jong -un visited the Ninpo Shipyard to inspect the new submarine.Although North Korea did not disclose specific parameters such as tonnage and performance of the submarine at that time, the analysis believed that Kim Jong -un's inspection was a signal that the submarine was about to be completed.

On the other hand, North Korea passed a law in early September to defend the use of the use of the first -to -systemators' nuclear strikes to protect its rights.At the time, Kim Jong -un emphasized that the United States attempted to disintegrate the North Korean regime, and he stated that North Korea would never abandon the tough position of nuclear weapons.Since Russia also expressed the invasion of Ukraine in February this year, it did not rule out that the implementation of Ukraine's implementation nuclear blows, experts believe that this shows that the global nuclear military policy has been upgraded, which is a worrying trend.

Kim Jong Da's analysis of North Korea ’s North Korean expert at Yanshi University in Seoul said," We have entered a new era of an open attitude of using nuclear weapons to use nuclear weapons. "Decision of reasonable or unpredictable ".

Zheng Xiangchang, an expert at North Korea, believes that the United States has "impossible" to abandon nuclear weapons in the United States. Instead, he believes that South Korea should seriously consider "support for nuclear".He pointed out that North Korea was also "sending clear information" to South Korean President Yin Xiyue through the new law, that is, once South Korea and the United States joined forces to attack North Korea, North Korea will inevitably fight back with nuclear weapons.