The referendum began on Friday, Biden issued a statement saying: "The referendum launched by Russia is a scam, a excuse to find some territory of Ukraine and blatantly violates international law.The allies and partners are together to allow Russia to pay more heavy economic costs immediately. "

(Washington / Kiev Composite Electric) When the referendum enrolled in Russia was held in eastern Ukraine, the United States and allies were preparing to further sanction Russia.US President Biden warned that if Russia uses fake referendum to swallow more territories in Ukraine, the United States will join forces with allies to pay more painful prices in Russia.

After the Ukrainian army launched a counterattack in the northeast earlier this month, after recovering a large number of losses, the four Russian occupation areas of Wudong -Donetsk, Hermone, Lugusk and Zapolo announced that within this monthThe national referendum was held on joining the Russian federal issue.It is generally believed that the results of referendum led by Russia are in favor of joining the Russian Federation.

said that there is no legal effect G7, and the referendum will not recognize the referendum results

On the day of the referendum on Friday (September 23), Biden issued a statement saying: "The referendum launched by Russia is a scam, a excuse to find some of the territory of Ukraine and blatantly violates international law.The partners are together to let Russia pay more heavy economic costs immediately. "

He emphasized: "The United States always only acknowledge that Ukraine's territory is in Ukraine."

The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) also condemned Russia to hold a fake referendum in the Ukraine occupation area, saying that this is a "scam" without legal effect or legitimacy.


G7 statement said that the referendum was the action of Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territory, and the G7 would not recognize the referendum results.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization promised to increase assistance to Ukraine.NATO has provided weapons, ammunition, military equipment and training since the Russian army invaded Ukraine on February 24 this year.

In an interview with the United States Cable Television News (CNN) on Friday, Stoltenberg, the Secretary -General of NATO, said, "Our answer, NATO's answer is to strengthen support (Ukraine)."

He also said: "The best way to end the war is to strengthen the strength of Ukraine on the battlefield, so that they can reach a Ukraine acceptable solution at some stage in the future, and to preserve Ukraine as Europe as a European oneThe status of sovereign independent countries. "

Russia said that the referendum allowed the people in the Fourth District of Wudong to have the opportunity to express their views on the future of the country.However, the opponents were worried that Moscow could swallow the four districts, and then anti -the U -military's counterattack was an aggression.

Stoltenberg said: "This is exactly what we are going to deal with, and Russia may use fake referendum to further upgrade the war."

Ukrainian President Zelezky called on daily video speeches, calling for condemnation of fake referendum around the world."These are not only a crime that violates international law and Ukrainian laws, but also a crime against a certain population and a country."

The referendum in Wudong Fourth District will end the next Tuesday for a total of five days.Russian media reported that in the first day of Voting on Friday, 15 % of residents voted in the Hermuson area, and the voting rates of Donetsk, Lugusk and Zapolo have exceeded 20 %.

Ukrainian officials pointed out that the official area officials adopted various means to coerce the people to vote, including people who were not allowed to leave before the end of the voting period, the armed parts broke into the house forced people to voteEssence

Moscow also set up a voting station to let people live in the local Wudong District to vote.