(Washington, DC) Berns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), pointed out that for the United States, China is a major competitor and geopolitical challenges in major powers. Although Russia is in decline, it is still destructive.

Fox News reported that when the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the CIA launched the new podcast "The Langley Files", Bernes was the first guest.He believes that the CIA "should reflect on how to organize itself" in order to deal with the "extremely complex international situation", which includes competition with "as a big country like China".He described China as the "core geographical challenge" of the United States.

Bernus said that the CIA has established the China Mission Center to better respond to China's current and future challenges to US national security.

In April this year, Bernus said that in the war in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Chinese officials were the "silent partners" of Russian President Putin.

He said in the podcast that the United States currently responds to "not only the rise of the rise, but also the strong country in the decline, such as Russia", and Putin's invasion of Ukraine shows that "the chaos caused by the weak power in the weakened power can also be in sideways.Yu Zheng's Rising Power. "

Bernus emphasized that the intelligence of the CIA plays an important role in the Russia and Ukraine War.The Russian army invaded Ukraine on February 24 this year, but as early as last fall, the CIA promoted Putin's plan to carry out the "fake flag" to marry the Ukraine and make excuses for invading Ukraine.

Bernus said that the United States has assisted Ukraine to carry out defense work with the intelligence of the CIA, which also helps enhance the cohesion between allies.