North Korea tested the ballistic missile again on Sunday. This is the fifth North Korean test missile after the South Korean Yin Xiyue government came to power.The analysis pointed out that North Korea's move may be to protest that from Monday (September 26), South Korea will conduct four -day co -military exercise in the East China Sea.

South Korea ’s joint staff headquarters said on the 25th that North Korea launched a short -range ballistic missile from Taichuan County, Ping An North Road at 6:53 in the morning, with a flight distance of about 600 kilometers, a flight height of about 60 kilometers, and a speed of about 5 Mach.North Korea may launch missiles from the Transporter-ERECTOR-LAUNCHER (Tel).The Korean and American Intelligence Department is further analyzing the detailed parameters.

Han Jun believes that the North Korean launch of the Chao -El Calund "Iskhandel" missile is very likely, and the range reaches 600 kilometers, which means that this missile launch can also cover the entire territory of South Korea.

The US Civil Think Tank "Reduction of Nuclear Threats Initiative (NTI)" pointed out in 2019 that there are 28 nuclear facilities in North Korea. Among them, Ping An North Road Taichuan is the place where representative underground nuclear missile facilities.

The United States Liger Nuclear Power Aircraft Carrier (CVN-76), the US Navy Titka-class cruiser Charlesville (CG-62), and the U.S. Army Alley Berk-class Aegis destroyer Barry (DDG-52) The U.S. carrier battle group formed by the warships entered the Busan Navy combat base on Friday, and will hold a joint maritime exercise with the South Korean Navy on the 26th for four days.This is a large -scale exercise of US military nuclear -powered aircraft carriers and submarines participating in the East China Sea in November 2017 since the sixth nuclear test and successive launch of North Korea in November 2017.

Park Yuankun, a professor at the Department of North Korea at the Department of Korean Studies at the University of Women's University of Korea, pointed out that although (local missile) is not used to attack the ship, North Korea shows the range that can crack down on the port of Busan, South Korea.Act.

Japanese and Korean condemnation of Pyongyang to exacerbate the tension on the peninsula

North Korea launched missiles on the same day, triggering South Korea and Japan for condemning Pyongyang to threaten the peace and security of the international community.

Kim Shenghan, the head of the National Security Room of the South Korean President's Office, presided over a meeting of the State Security Conference on the National Security Guarantee Conference, condemned North Korea's launch of missiles, obviously violated the UN Security Council resolution, and exacerbated the tension of the peninsula and the region.

Japanese Defense Minister Hamada Yichi also criticized that North Korea's series of operations have threatened the peace and security of Japan and the international community.In the case of Ukraine's invasion, North Korea could not allow North Korea to test the missiles.

He also said "to strongly condemn this behavior that violates the resolution of the United Nations Security Council."He said that he had protested to North Korea through the channel of Beijing Embassy.

Kim Chengqian, Speaker of the United Staff Headquarters, discussed the situation with La Camera, commander in South Korea, and reiterated that it will further consolidate the joint defense situation through the established Korean and American maritime joint plans, and to deal with all North Korea's provocative threats.

South Korea's public opinion believes that because South Korea and the United States will conduct high -intensity joint military exercises, North Korea may test the provocations such as submarine missile missiles in the future.

This is the 16th test of North Korea ’s firing ballistic missiles after June 5th. It is also the 16th test of this year.If including cruise missiles, this time is the 19th test.