U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said at a special meeting of the United Nations Security Council for the Russia -Ukraine War that no country can re -delineate the border of other countries by force.The Kremlin openly violates this principle. If it fails to defend, it is equivalent to sending information to global aggressors, that is, they can ignore this principle.

(New York Composite Electric) The UN Security Council held a special meeting of the Russian and Ukraine War on Thursday (September 22). U.S. Secretary of State Broskyu pointed out that Russian President Putin mobilized 300,000 reserve personnel and held in some parts of Ukraine to enter Russia.The referendum is to "oil on the fire" for the situation of Ukraine.Blinden emphasized that it is not possible to do whatever Putin, which will not let the war.

Brinken said that no country can re -delineate the border of another country with force."The Kremlin openly violated this principle, but we failed to defend, that is equivalent to sending information to the invaders from all over the world, that is, they can ignore this principle." Brinkeng promised that Washington will continue to support Ukraine against Russia in the future.

Russian foreign minister refers to the crime of covering Russia's security in the United States, such as Ukraine, Russia, Russia, and the United States

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, who appeared at the venue when the speaking time came, slammed Western accusations."Some people try to impose a completely different discussion on us today. They say that Russia's launch of aggression is the root of this tragedy."

Lavrov refers to the security of Kiev's threatening Russia, and "trampled on unscrupulous" the rights of Russian people in Russians and Ukraine, and said that "the United States and allies have been covering up the crimes of Jisuke's political power under the indulgence of international human rights organizations.. "He said that" the decision to determine the special military operation is necessary. "

Lavrov also refers to the West to provide weapons and training for Ukraine to incite the conflict collectively.

Gutres: "Referendum in Russia" is worrying

Lavrov left the scene immediately after speaking, and Ukraine Foreign Minister Kulba laughed at him and fled, like the Russian army on the Ukrainian battlefield.Kulba also taunt: "Russian diplomats are closed and their mouths are lies!"

UN Secretary -General Guterres stated that the nuclear conflict was "completely unacceptable" and said that the so -called referendum in Russia was worrying.Gutres emphasized: "Any behavior that threatens or uses force with force to annex other territories violates the UN Charter and International Law."

Gutres also said without named Russia that the war crimes that occurred in Ukraine must be thoroughly investigated to ride the murderer to justice.

The Chairman of the Ukrainian Independence Investigation Commission Mosng told the Human Rights Council on Friday that they investigated the four regions of Ukraine and identified the crime of war in Ukraine.

The focus of the investigation committee is the areas occupied by the Russian army, such as Kiev, Chel Nigif, Halkov, and Sumi.Investigators have visited more than 150 victims and witnesses from 27 places in Ukraine in March.

Mos said that investigators found a large number of execution in the area where they visited, including the bodies were tied up with both hands, throat cutting the throat, and gunshot injury.He also said that investigators have identified the victims from 4 to 82, and many children were raped, tortured and illegally detained.

The council requires Russia to respond to these allegations, but Russia has not sent officials to participate.For a long time, Russia's infringement of human rights has discredited it.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi believes that the priority is to restore the dialogue unconditional, and the two sides maintain restraint and do not exacerbate the tension.

Wang Yi said that China ’s position on the Ukrainian issue is consistent and clear.The sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries should be maintained. The purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter should be observed, and the reasonable and safe concerns of all parties should be valued.He also said that the international community should play a role in building and assist in the cooling situation in Ukraine.

Wang Yi and Kulbaba also met outside the venue of the Conference on Thursday.Wang Yi said that China has always been committed to persuasion and talks, always standing on the side of peace, and will continue to play a constructive role.

Indian Foreign Minister Su Jesheng said that the development of Ukraine's conflict is disturbing and the nuclear issue is particularly worrying.

Su Jiesheng also said that with the upgrading of the war, the prices of grain, fuel and fertilizer soaring and supply may deteriorate. He called for immediately ending hostile operations and resumed dialogue and diplomacy.

As a long -term trade and defense partner, India and Russia have supported each other over the years.India has not explicitly condemned Russia since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.