(Washington Composite Electric) Western experts said on Wednesday (September 21) that Russian President Putin issued a mobilization order will cause Ukraine to burn the fire longer, but the military balance of the battlefield will not change.They also warned that don't underestimate Putin's nuclear threat.

Analysts say that the mobilization order is a political risk for Putin, because Russia's resistance to war has become stronger and stronger, and Moscow's military mobilization capabilities have weakened in the past 10 years.

Russian Defense Expert of Rand Corporation, Massaccat, said: "They will not be able to perform the mobilization order well, they will make up the number of people and send soldiers to the front line.It's not bad, but they don't have time. "

The defense expert of the New American Security Center in Washington Think Tank warned on Wednesday not to ignore Russia's mobilization, because it will help Moscow strengthen the front line of Ukraine.

Kovman said: "The Russian army is very fragile when entering winter, and it will be worse by next year. So what it does is to extend Russia's combat effectiveness in this war."

American expert: Putin's most clear nuclear threat to this day

Australia's retired general and national defense analyst Ruian said Putin still wants to "extend the war and surpass Western countries."

He posted on Twitter and said: "Considering that the Russian forces have begun to decline after three or four months of participation in the war, this is a exhausted troops, which requires rotation.As a result ... the challenge faced by the Russian army is not just as simple as the troops rotate. "

For the nuclear threats made by Putin, some analysts believe that this is Putin's repeated oral intimidation, but some experts believe that Putin seems to have changed Russia's established nuclear weapon use policy.

The American Scientist Federation nuclear policy expert Christensen tweeted: "Putin threatened the use of nuclear weapons to exceed Russia's declaration policy, reflecting his despair of the failure of the Ukrainian war ... This is obviously the most clear nuclear threat to Putin to this day."

Barclitzki, an expert at the Institute of Labor Earlights, said Putin hinted that nuclear weapons were used when the country was threatened."We must take the only conversation from the only Russian nuclear weapons decision -making power."

Law enforcement and intelligence analysts of the United States Cable Television News (CNN) pointed out that the US Central Intelligence Agency and the National Defense Intelligence Agency have been studying Putin's psychology for many years. People who believe that he values image as he is decided to decideWhether to use nuclear weapons may have emotional factors, so the American intelligence community does not believe that Russia's possibility of nuclear warfare is zero.

Miller reminds that the most urgent issue in the West is also a question that leaders of various countries will discuss at the UN General Assembly, which is how to deal with Russia's might use tactical nuclear weapons.

"If (Russia) uses this weapon limitedly to Ukraine, what reactions will NATO, the United States, and the world have? There are still countries still in condemning Russia's actions and joining sanctions to hold a wait -and -see attitude.Consistently deal with Putin? If he can, do he (Putin) think of this, or do he care? "

Miller said that although the explosive radius and radiation of tactical nuclear weapons are smaller than strategic nuclear bombs, even the most limited nuclear weapons are sufficient to change the rules of the game.

If (Russia) has a limited use of this weapon in Ukraine, what will happen to NATO, the United States and the world?There are still countries still condemning Russia's actions and joining sanctions to hold a wait -and -see attitude. Will the use of nuclear weapons arouse the world's unanimous deal of Putin?If he would (Putin), did he think of this, or did he care?

-CNN law enforcement and intelligence analyst John Miller