(Bloomberg, Singapore) Europe will tighten sanctions on Russia's oil. It is expected that Russia will export more fuels to Asia and the Middle East in the next few months. This may exacerbate competition, impact oil prices, and reduce refining profitsEssence

According to the data of Standard Purcer Global Maritime Commodity Company, since the outbreak of the war, the share of these two regions in the exports of oil in Russia has become increasing, highlighting the re -configuration of global energy flow.

To deal with the EU sanction in Moscow in December, Moscow re -adjusted energy exports

The European Union will prohibit most of Russian crude oil from importing from December 5, and then it will prohibit all Russian oil products from importing from February. Moscow has re -adjusted the pressure of energy output exports.

According to Morgan Stanley's data, China and India imported 2.7 million barrels of Russian crude oil and products every day last month.

This is 5 % higher than a year ago.A recent report released by banks shows that the import volume of some smaller countries has also increased from 560,000 barrels per day to 926,000 barrels.

With the continuous adjustment of trade, Russian sellers have been adopting a variety of strategies to increase the share of the existing market and find new sales channels at the same time.

In order to avoid sanctions, Russian crude oil may be mixed with other products in Asia's storage facilities, and then pasted a new origin label to be sold.

In addition, some buyers may choose to buy oil through ships to ship; Russia may also lock in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar and Indonesia, etc., such as new buyers who cannot afford high fuel import costs, sell them cheaper Russian crude oil to themEssence

Although buyers from Sri Lanka or Myanmar and other countries acknowledge that they are purchasing Russian oil, buyers in other countries are more cautious.In Indonesia, the largest economy in Southeast Asia, the State -owned National Petroleum Corporation (Pertamina) and Russia have negotiated the possibility of increasing traffic this month.

The ship tracking data of the Vortexa Energy Information Analysis Company shows that the destinations are stated that the loading capacity of Russian fuel oil in Asia and the Middle East has increased significantly.

Last month, the goods were shipped to FUJAIRA, the United Arab Emirates.The volume of goods transported to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, China and Malaysia has also risen sharply.

EU sanctions are about to take effect. In order to buy Russian fuels, some buyers may use ships to transport ship transport.The first ship was loaded from Russia, unloaded to the second ship, and then sailed to the destination.

Vortexa's chief Asian analyst, Asia Analyst, said that about 20%to 23%of the stone brain oil, diesel and fuel oil loaded from the port of western Russia from June to August, in this wayTransfer to the buyer's hands.

John Deskale, the chairman of the Energy Market Information and Risk Management Company of Singapore's energy market information and risk management company, said: "For a long time, the goods restricted by sanctions have been entered the trading system, but as Russia is facing sanctions, this is this.The situation will be more. "