(Taipei / Frankfurt / Washington Reuters) is reported that the United States is considering imposing sanctions against China to obscure China to attack Taiwan; Taiwan is also lobbying to take the same measures in the European Union.

Reuters on Tuesday (September 13) quoted unnamed sources saying that Western countries have implemented some trade and investment restrictions on China in the fields of computer chips and communications equipment, and now Washington and Taipei hope to expand their sanctions.

Sources did not explain the details of the discussion, but revealed that the discussion of Washington and Taipei's lobbying lobbying in Taipei were still early.

China is one of the main links in the world's second largest economy and global supply chain.The United States to impose sanctions on it has triggered a feasible question.

The former senior official of the US Department of Commerce Nikahetar said: "The economic relations between the United States and the allies and China are rooted in the wrongdoing, and the implementation of sanctions on China is much more complicated than dealing with Russia."

Since Pelosi visited Taiwan in August, China has increased its military operations around Taiwan, including a seven -day military exercise, and dispatching fighters and warships across the Taiwan Strait.

A US official and an official from a country closely coordinated with Washington said that US officials considered sanctions against China to observe China to attack Taiwan.

The two sources said that the United States' discussion on sanctions on China began after Russia invaded Ukraine in February, and it was even more urgent after making a strong response to Pelosi to Taiwan.

With the support of NATO allies, the United States has threatened to sanction Russia in January, but this failed to prevent Russian President Putin from invading Ukraine.

Non -American officials said that the focus of the White House at the moment is to allow countries to reach consensus, including coordinating opinions of European and Asian countries.

Although the specific details of the sanctions that the United States is considering in the United States is unable to prove that some analysts believe that the Chinese army may be the object of sanctions.

Singelton, a Washington think tank defending the Democratic Foundation, said: "The initial sanctions may focus on restricting some technologies needed to launch military operations in Taiwan."

In this regard, the White House refused to comment.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan told Reuters that Taipei has discussed with the United States, Europe and other like -minded partners that China's recent military operations and China's "huge challenges" for Taiwan, but Taiwan officials have not disclosed details.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not commented on relevant news.

German Economic Minister: "No more naive" trade policy for China

In Berlin, German Economic Minister Habeck said that Germany is developing a new trade policy to China to reduce dependence on Chinese raw materials, batteries and semiconductors.He also said that he would "no longer naive" when trade with Beijing.

Habeck said in an interview with Reuters that Germany welcomed the investment partner of China, but it was not allowed to allow Beijing's protectionist distortions to compete, nor would they stop criticizing human rights because they faced the threat of losing business."We can't let ourselves be extorted."

Habeck did not comprehensively overview new measures, but revealed that it will include more careful review of China's investment in Europe such as infrastructure investment.