(London Composite Electric) The new King of Charles III on the UK first received the Republican representative for the first time.Although multiple Republican countries announced that they have continued to support him as the head of state after Charles' throne, from Australia to Antigua, the promotion of the republic's movement has won more and more people's support, which has become the biggest challenge facing Charles after the throne.One is how to continue to maintain the global family of Republican Federation.

There are 56 member states of the Republican Federation, of which 14 countries that implement the monarchy support the British monarch as the head of state.

On the third day of Charles, Charles met with the Republican Secretary -General Scottland on Buckingham Palace on the third day, and then met with the highest commissioner and their spouse in 14 countries.

Australia, New Zealand and Canada have announced that Charles has been the new head of state

A few hours before, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other countries successively announced Charles as the new head.

Just, although Charles's mother and Queen Elizabeth II, who died last week, was respectful and loved by the Republican Federal State, whether Charles could get the same support but was questioned.

Last year, Barbados, the Caribbean, became the latest country that announced the renovation of the Republic, and other countries also moved in this direction.

Australians, which are quite large, also want to become the Republic, including Prime Minister Albanis, but he explained that he is currently focusing on mourning the late queen and excluding the possibility of a referendum during his first term.sex.

New Zealand Prime Minister Aden also said in an interview on Monday that she believes that New Zealand will eventually become the Republic and no longer hold the British monarch as the head of state, but this is not something that will happen in the near future.

Shortly after Charles was confirmed to be the king of the Chinese island of China and Papa, Prime Minister Antigua said that he intends to hold a republic referendum in the next three years."This is not hostile, nor is there differences between Antigua and the British royal family. This is just the last step of completing independence."

In Canada, there are a few people supporting the Republic, but a poll in April last year showed that 67%of people opposed Charles in succession.

Jamaica's Republican voices are also getting higher and higher. Prime Minister Holnes told Charles's eldest son William in March that Jamaica's dynasty became an independent country to "continue to advance".

The member states of the Republican Federation are mainly the former British colonies, but there are also Dogo and Gabon, which just joined this year, are countries that have never been ruled by Britain.

In the front colony, most of them were independent after the Queen ascended the throne in 1952. Many of them gave up the monarchy, but the Queen believes that the Republic Federation is a way to unite these countries from different regions and backgrounds.

At the 2018 Republic Federal Summit, the leaders of various member states confirmed that once the Queen died, Charles would inherit her as a Republican leader.

On the other hand, although the Scottish admires the Queen of England, many people believe that this is the same as their demands they want independence.Some people admit that the death of the queen may mean that Scotland is easier to independence.

Although the Governor's State Party of Scotland hopes to hold an independent referendum again, the Republic is unintentionally established.Salmond, a member of the State Party, also created the word "Queen of Scotland" and established close connections with Charles.

The "British Future" think tank in June showed that 45%of the Scottish supported the monarchy and 36%wanted to establish the Republic; 51%wanted Scotland to stay in the UK.