(Columbus Comprehensive) U.S. President Biden pointed out that in the face of China's increasingly strong performance, creating advanced computer chips has become a national security issue in the United States.

The US chip giant Intel Company was held on Friday (9th, 9th) a new semiconductor factory with a cost of $ 20 billion (about S $ 28 billion).This is one of the first batch of US domestic chip manufacturing factories opened by the recently passed chip and science bill.To this end, Bayeng went to Ohio to celebrate the platform on the platform on the same day.

Biden said at the ceremony: "As we saw during the crown disease, when the factory that produced these chips was closed, the chip supply would be cut off and the global economy was stagnant. We must be in the United States in the United States.Make these chips in the local area to reduce daily costs and create good employment opportunities. All this conforms to our economic interests and our national security interests. "

The United States passed the chip and science bill last month, providing US $ 52.7 billion subsidies for the production and research of the United States, and providing investment tax credit for chip factories to improve the ability of the United States to compete with China in the field of science and technology.

Semiconductor chips are currently produced in Taiwan, mainland China and South Korea.The popularity of crown diseases has caused discontinuation of chip supply. After factory shutdown and goods are broken, chip production has become the focus of China and the United States."No wonder ... no wonder ... the Chinese government actively lobby American companies to oppose this bill."

Biden also pointed out that the United States needs the most advanced engineering technology to develop future weapon systems, and these systems only rely on computer chips."But unfortunately, the United States does not produce such advanced chips at all."

Intel's visit to Biden announced that it has allocated US $ 17.7 million to universities in Ohio to promote education and vocational training programs focusing on semiconductors.

Intel's new facilities will include at least two manufacturing factories. The White House claims that these two factories will create more than 7,000 full -time jobs of more than 7,000 buildings and 3,000 cutting -edge chips.

Bynden's heading to Ohio is mainly for the upcoming midterm elections to help the Democratic Party.The Democratic Party has lost Ohio in the past two presidential elections, but the retirement of the Republican Federal Senator Portman may make the Democratic Party organic.