(London Composite Electric) King Charles III on Saturday (September 10), the British King of Britain, officially ascended the throne on the morning of Saturday (September 10), and the British royal family began to enter a new era.


The ascension ceremony was held in the St. St. St. St.Early in the morning, thousands of people have gathered outside the Buckingham Palace, and many people continue to condolences to the queen.

The Council inherited the Council at 10 am in London to meet Charles at 10 am and officially announced that he was the king.Charles (73 years old) issued a statement saying that his successor is a major responsibility, and he will take his mother Elizabeth II as a model.This statement will also be publicly read out in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

After the closed -door meeting, Garter King of ARMS was on the balcony of the San James Palace at 11 o'clock.The royal guard wearing scarlet uniforms and bear skulls cheered three times to celebrate.

Charles III was registered as a crown prince in 1969, and was the longest -standing crown prince in British history.After the throne, he also officially became the highest leader of the England Church and vowed to protect the Scottish Church.After the ceremony, the flag that completely descended to mourn the late queen rose.

When Charles made a speech to the whole country in Buckingham Palace on Friday, he emphasized that he wanted to imitate his mother and be a competent king.Charles announced that the eldest son William (40 years old) would inherit the title of Prince Wales, and William's wife Kate was named Princess Wales.He also expressed care for his younger son Harry and his wife Meghan.

Charles said that his mother not only encouraged him, but also his role model."In her service career, we saw her long -lasting love for tradition and a fearless hug of progress, which made our country great."

Charles said that it was difficult to bear the deep grief of losing his mother. Before delivering speeches to the whole country, he even admitted that the Queen's death with Prime Minister Tellas in Buckingham Palace was a moment when the Queen's death was "always afraid".The TV camera accidentally captured the conversation between the two. Charles said at the time: "The moment I have been afraid, I know many people have this feeling."

Charles is deeply grateful to the people's love for the queen. He said to Tellas: "We return to London this afternoon. Many people come to hang it, and there are flowers, which is too touching."

When Charles arrived at the Buckingham Palace on Friday, he got out of the door and shook hands with a large number of people who gathered, showing that he was determined to inherit the image of his mother and the people.

Many people condolences to Charles, and the sound of "We love you Charles" at the scene, and some people also improvised the national anthem.A lecturer Otre said to the reporter: "I donate flowers here, but he did not expect that he would come to the masses. This is very hearty." Baldavi (64 years old) living in northern London said: "It's impressive to the crowdDeep and touching. Here are the royal supporters. I am glad to see him in charge of the royal family, which is reassuring. "

The London citizen Stephen Johnson (56 years old) told AFP: "There is a model of the queen, and the new king is far away. He is now our king, we must love him."

Queen's funeral was held on September 19

The Queen Queen has been reigned for more than 70 years, and is regarded as a symbol of the stability and spirit of the whole UK. After her death, the leaders of all countries in the world have made a sorrow.

The funeral of the queen is scheduled to be held on September 19th (Monday), and the day will be the British public holiday and the national condolences.

The mourning period of the royal family started from Friday until the queen's funeral seven days.In addition to the British folk condolences, many British embassies around the world, including the Embassy in Moscow, have given flowers.

Mother not only inspires me, it is also my role model.In her service career, we saw her long -lasting love for tradition and a fearless hug of progress, which made our country great.

—— British King Charles