(London) strengthened the crackdown on crackdown on Chinese academic cooperation. The Empire College of London has determined to close two major research centers sponsored by Chinese aerospace and national defense enterprises.

The Guardian reported that the two centers were the purpose of developing civil aerospace technology, but critics warned that related research can also be used to promote China's military ambitions.Among them, the AVIC Industrial Structural Design and Manufacturing Center and China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) have long cooperated to develop cutting -edge aerospace materials for a long time, which has won more than 6 million pounds (about 9.79 million yuan) for this company.

Another center is jointly operated by AVIC Bermud New Material Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. (BIAM). It has been funded by China to fund high -performance battery, jet engine components and anti -impact aircraft windshield.project.

The college confirms that the two centers will be closed at the end of the year as the British export control joint working group (ECJU) refuses to apply for a license.ECJU is responsible for supervising the sensitive research of British institutions and international partners.

Analysts pointed out that the government ordered the closure of these two centers because they could help China's military development and endanger British security.

When the two centers were opened in 2012, the British Conservative Party government was actively promoting academic cooperation with China.However, with the deterioration of China's relations with the West, in recent years, Britain has begun to crack down on cooperation projects involving "dual -purpose" technology.In the past three years, Britain has quietly shouted to stop other five cooperation projects and rejected many applications.

Charles Parton, a Chinese expert at the Royal Institute of National Defense (Rusi), said that Britain has finally sobered in the "sleepwalking" partnership that threatened national interests.He pointed out that China and Britain should cooperate, but due to the continuous reduction of civil and military differences, Britain tried to accept the scope of cooperation that can be accepted.

The Empire Academy emphasized that the college research is public and is regularly published in international journals.The spokesman said: "All partnership and cooperation have been thoroughly reviewed and regularly evaluated to meet our commitment to British national security."